I. Introduction
The experience of the last decade shows the need for a comprehensive development of the remote monitoring direction using on-board telecommunications [1] - [3]. Here is necessary to increase the efficiency of information providing, and in the first place is necessary to ensure delivering of operational video information about the observed objects. The main scientific and practical problem is reducing time of species images delivery with the required resolution. An analysis of the existing characteristics of on-board data transmission equipment has shown that they do not provide timely delivery of digitized images [4]; [5]. Using the multi-agent approach for image compressing reduces the amount of video data and reduces the performing time. At the same time, in order to integrate them on board, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the operation for the aircraft complexes. Analysis of existing compression systems, taking into account the characteristics of on-board equipment, has shown that they do not provide requirements for the volumes of transmitted video data provided with the required quality during the required processing time [3]. In works [4]; [5] shows that reducing the delivery time of video information is achieved using a method that provides image compression taking into account that the fragment of the image is represented by two aperture components. However, existing technologies that implement aperture processing are based on the separate processing of their constituents. This limits the ability to further increase the compression of video data [6]-[8]. Consequently, it is necessary to use simultaneously the multi-agent system and the approach to the two-component compression of the aperture components based on the formation of a generalized codeword. Hence, the purpose of the research is to develop a technology of compact representation based on the multiagent approach and a generalized representation of the two components of the aperture description of the images.