TTEthernet [1] is a highly available networking technology that implements time-triggered communication mechanisms over Ethernet standard to satisfy the requirements of fully deterministic, high-speed and low-cost communication. It can guarantee constant latency for multi-hop network communication routes relying on fault-tolerant synchronization services. In addition to time-triggered (TT) traffic, TTEthernet supports rate-constrained traffic (compatible with ARINC 664P7 [2]) and standard Ethernet [3] traffic to provide flexibility. These capabilities make TTEthernet a powerful network solution for developing real-time safety-critical automotive systems [4]–[6].
With the development of intelligence and networking of vehicles, automotive systems are becoming increasingly connected to the physical environment, mobile devices, surrounding infrastructures, and other systems. A wide range of communication interfaces increases the risks of systems being compromised by attackers. For example, researchers have demonstrated that modern automotive systems are vulnerable to attacks through various interfaces such as OBD-II, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, DSRC, GPS and 3G/4G [7]–[10]. Once one Electronic Control Units (ECU) of the system is compromised by malicious attackers through any interface, they can gain access to other safety-critical ECUs via internal network and inject malicious messages, thereby inducing system failures. It is therefore important to guarantee the authenticity of the communication data of automotive systems. However, despite the various advantages of TTEthernet-based architecture, it does not directly provide multicast source authentication to protect data authenticity.
Integrating authentication mechanisms into TTEthernet-based real-time automotive systems is not an easy task. Such systems usually have tight resource constraints, such as limited computing and bandwidth resources, strict timing constraints, and high-performance requirements with respect to latency and extensibility. This makes it virtually impossible to add authentication mechanism after the scheduling design stage without violating the system constraints or degrading the system performances. Therefore it is essential to address security together with other constraints and objectives from the beginning of scheduling design process. This involves two issues: The first is to deploy an appropriate multicast authentication mechanism considering the resource constraints and timing constraints of the systems; The second is to develop an optimal security-aware design of system scheduling subject to both authentication mechanism constraints and all other traditional design constraints, which are often in conflict and require careful trade-offs.
Given these issues, our major contributions are as follows.
First, we apply the TESLA [11] authentication mechanism based on delayed exposure of keys to protect against forgery and replay attacks on TTEthernet. It provides an appropriate trade-off between security level and resource overhead, compared with other multicast authentication approaches. Moreover, we make a modification to the original TESLA in order to improve on the authentication delay.
Furthermore, we propose a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulation that efficiently solves the optimal scheduling problem of TTEthernet-based real-time automotive systems with authentication mechanism constraints. The scheduling design includes (a) the packing of automotive control and authentication mechanism-related signals to TTEthernet frames, (b) the scheduling of frames on TTEthernet, and (c) the scheduling of automotive control and authentication mechanism-related tasks on respective ECU. The optimization objective is to maximize the laxity (difference between deadlines and response times) on time-sensitive function paths, therefore improving timing performance or to minimize the bandwidth consumption, therefore improving extensibility. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to integrate security constraints and other traditional constraints in the scheduling design of TTEthernet-based automotive systems.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II overviews some related work. Section III introduces the system model. Section IV presents the security mechanism and security model. Section V formally states the security-aware optimization scheduling problem whose solution is tackled using MILP-based method. Section VI presents experimental results, with conclusions following in Section VII.
Related Work
A. Multicast Authentication
Digital signatures based on public key cryptography provide an elegant method for signing multicast data, but they are not the solution in our context because of the high computational overhead. Although the computational overhead could be alleviated by dedicated circuits, such as FPGAs or ASICs, this will add component costs, an issue that is typically avoided by manufacturers. Schemes using one-time signatures [12]–[15] are much more computationally efficient than traditional public key signatures. However, one-time signatures can incur kilobytes of authentication data per message, that makes them impractical for automotive systems with the requirement of real-time and efficient data transmission.
In contrast, symmetric cryptography is more suitable for the constrained environments. Simply applying the point-to-point authentication mechanisms, such as appending a message authentication code (MAC) to each message or every other message computed by a secret key shared across all nodes, cannot provide adequate multicast authentication. The problem is that any node which holds the secret key can forge message and impersonate the sender. Several schemes [16], [17] have been based on the concept that a sender shares a unique symmetric key with each receiver to prevent this attack. For each message, the sender generates and sends one MAC for each distinct receiver. However, even for a small number of receivers, the computational and bandwidth overhead makes this approach infeasible for automotive systems with tight resource constraints and strict timing constraints. TESLA provides multicast authentication based on delayed disclosure of keys by using only symmetric cryptography. The core idea of TESLA is that the sender appends to each message a MAC computed by using a key known only to itself, and discloses this key after a short time interval. Each receiver buffers the received frame and then verifies the authenticity after it receives the correct key. TESLA was extended and applied in resource constrained wireless sensor networks by several authors [11], [18]–[21], because it provides an appropriate trade-off between security level and resource overheads. In this work, we choose the TESLA mechanism to perform multicast authentication on TTEthernet, and make a modification to the original TESLA so that it is more appropriate for our application setting.
B. Scheduling
Steiner [22] proposed a scheduling method based satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) for the TTEthernet TT traffic. They defined a set of scheduling constraints and used the SMT solver to find a solution that satisfies all constraints. Steiner [23] proposed to introduce periodic slots into static schedules to help reduce the RC delays. Suethanuwong [24] proposed a scheduling approach to compute the periods and offsets of TT frames. Tǎmaş-Selicean et al. [25] proposed a Tabu-search-based metaheuristic for TT schedule optimization. They [26] also suggested a Tabu-search-based metaheuristic to optimize TTEthernet networks, where in addition to optimal TT schedules, the proposed method provides optimal bandwidth allocation of RC frames. Dvořák [27] developed a three-stage algorithm to create the communication schedules for TT traffic. These works only focused on the communication schedule, and did not attempt to schedule at the system-level. The isolated signal scheduling may seriously limit the feasibility and performance of automotive applications, which consist of both signals and tasks.
The system-level scheduling on both signals and tasks has also been studied for TTEthernet-based real-time systems. Zhang et al. [28] applied mixed-integer programming (MIP) to solve the scheduling problem for Ethernet-based TT systems. Craciunas and Oliver [29] formulated the scheduling problem of TTEthernet-based distributed systems using first-order logical constraints and applied SMT and MIP solvers to solve it, respectively. Abuteir and Obermaisser [30] proposed a scheduling algorithm based on neighborhood search for multi-cluster TTEthernet systems. However, none of the above-mentioned works considered the interference of security operations on system applications. In this work, we provide an MILP formulation for solving the scheduling optimization problem of TTEthernet-based real-time automotive systems while meeting the requirements of both information security and functional safety.
A. Hardware Architecture
A TTEthernet-based architecture consists of a set of ECUs (usually called end systems, ESes) interconnected by physical links and network switches (NSes). The physical links are fully duplex and the networks can be multi-hop. Each ES is composed of a processing element (PE) containing a CPU, RAM and I/O resources, and a network interface card (NIC). An example of the TTEthernet architecture is presented in Fig. 1(a).
System model example, where signals
We denote
B. Software Architecture
In our model, ESes are assumed to run the TT real-time operating system in which tasks are executed according to a schedule table that defines their start times. In addition, the network uses the TT traffic arbitration model provided by the TTEthernet protocol. In TTEthernet, the transmission of a frame
C. Application Model
We model an application
A task
For example, in the application
A function path
Security Mechanism and Security Model
A. Security Mechanism
1) Attack Model
We assume that an attacker can gain access to such system through a gateway linked with an external network, physical access to TTEthernet switches, malicious insider code, or tampering with ESes. We consider an active attacker model where an attacker can masquerade as other ESes to inject forged messages and can also replay messages. Attackers accessing the TTEthernet through corrupted nodes will have access to the key material in those ESes. An attacker must not be able to masquerade as any ES they do not already control to perform a successful attack [17].
Additionally, we assume that the attacker knows about the network schedule (e.g., by applying technical skill to reverse engineer the appropriate systems and protocols or purchasing such information from a third-party), and consequently has the ability to inject a well-formed frame in another node’s time slot. And an attack can only take one forgery or replay attempt per valid time slot, since transmitters are only permitted to send a frame per assigned time slot in TTEthernet.
2) Overview of the TESLA Mechanism
In this work, we apply TESLA authentication mechanism to protect the authenticity of messages on TTEthernet. The main ideas behind TESLA is to use time with the one-way key chain for asymmetry to enjoy the benefit of computational efficiency while having the asymmetric security property.
In TESLA, time is divided into several intervals with uniform duration
When a sender sends a message in
When a receiver receives a message in
3) Modification to the TESLA Mechanism
To ensure the key to be disclosed in an interval can arrive at its receivers on time, TESLA protocol specify that the key must be appended to each message frame in that interval. The repeated transmission and verification of the same key will cause the waste of bandwidth and computing resources, as well as the increase of the authentication delay which is the most critical part in real-time automotive systems in general.
For this, we make a modification to the original TESLA combining with our application setting. Given the TTEthernet TT traffic provides highly deterministic communication, we specify that each key
B. Security Model
After applying the modified TESLA authentication mechanism to the system, extra information, i.e. keys, need to be sent and extra operations (including MAC generation, MAC verification, key generation and key verification tasks) need to be executed.
The MAC generation and verification tasks of each message frame
For simplicity, the key authentication-related tasks or signals are also identified and denoted by a single index, as in
C. Choice of Interval Duration of Key Release
Following the authentication mechanism, the smaller the interval duration, the more frequently key authentication applications execute and thus the more processing and communication resources are consumed. But the larger the interval duration, the longer the response times of the signals take, and thus the greater the likelihood that the signals and function paths will miss their deadlines. Therefore, to efficiently apply the authentication mechanism to the automotive systems, we choose the largest interval duration under the premise of satisfying the timing constraints of the systems.
For a function path \begin{align*}&\forall {\rho _{\varepsilon }\in \mathcal {FP}}^{app},\quad P_{int}\cdot C_{\varepsilon }^{\rho }\le D_{\varepsilon }^{\rho }\tag{1}\\&P_{int}\le {min}_{\sigma _{j}\in \mathcal {S}^{app}}D_{j}^{\sigma }\tag{2}\\&{\begin{array}{cccccccccccccccccccc} P_{int} mod {gcd}_{\sigma _{j}\in \mathcal {S}^{app}}P_{j}^{\sigma }=0, \\ {P}_{int} =n\cdot {gcd}_{\sigma _{j}\in \mathcal {S}^{app}}P_{j}^{\sigma },\quad n\in Z^{\ast }\\ \end{array}} or\tag{3}\end{align*}
Relations (1) and (2) provide the time limits, i.e. the product of interval duration
Security-Aware Scheduling
A. Problem Statement
The security-aware scheduling problem we are addressing in this paper can be formulated as follows. Given the system model and the security model generated by the authentication mechanism, we decide on the (1) packing of automotive control and authentication mechanism-related signals to TTEthernet frames, (2) scheduling of frames on TTEthernet, and (3) scheduling of automotive control and authentication mechanism- related tasks on respective PE, such that:
the deadline constraints and the precedence constraints caused by information passing between all tasks and signals are satisfied,
the payload size and the usage sequence of the link resources constraints on frames are satisfied,
the objective function with respect to extensibility or timing performance is optimized.
B. Motivational Examples
Let us illustrate the integrated scheduling problem using the setup from Fig. 1, where two automotive control applications are executed on the system consisting of four ESes and one NS. The corresponding security applications are depicted in Fig. 3. For simplicity, in this example we assume that the execution times of the hash function on all PEs are 0.1 ms. Although the standard TTEthernet speed is 100 Mbps or higher, in order to describe the data transmission process clearly, we consider that the link speed is only 10 Mbps. We assume that there are two time-sensitive paths, one form
A Straightforward solution to the security-aware scheduling problem is to (1) pack the signals generated by the same task into a frame, and (2) schedule the key authentication-related tasks and frames first and then other tasks and frames using As-Soon-As-Possible (ASAP) scheduling (That is because an automotive control-related frame can be verified by its receiver only after the verification task for its MAC key is completed). For the example in Fig. 1, this solution is depicted by the Gantt chart in Fig. 4(a), where automotive control signals
Fig. 4(b) illustrates an optimal solution with respect to timing performance. This solution increases the laxity of paths to 3.1024 ms and satisfies the deadline constraints of both paths. On the other hand, Fig. 4(c) illustrates an optimal solution with respect to extensibility, which reduces the bandwidth consumption to 0.61664 by packing signals to frames while satisfying the deadline constraints.
C. MILP-Based Optimization Scheduling Approach
We use an MILP formulation to find an optimal solution to the security-aware scheduling problem with respect to timing performance- or extensibility-related cost functions. In an MILP framework, the system is represented with constant parameters, decision variables, and constraints based on the parameters and variables. The objective function, defined over the same sets of parameters and variables, characterizes the optimal solution. MILPs can be solved very efficiently by various solvers. In this work, we employ the LINGO solver.
1) Definitions
The notations of the elements and constant parameters were described in the previous definition of system model and security model. Besides, two new binary parameters
2) Constraints
In this section, we present the various constraints on frame packing, frame scheduling, task scheduling, data dependency and end-to-end latency.
(a) Frame Packing \begin{align*}&\forall g,\sigma _{j}\in \mathcal {S}_{g},\quad \sum \nolimits _{f_{m}\in \left \{{\mathcal F_{g}\thinspace \vert \thinspace {Z_{g}^{\,f}=Z_{j}^{\sigma }}}\right \}} x_{j,m} =1\tag{4}\\&\forall g,\sigma _{j}\in \mathcal S_{g},\quad \sum \nolimits _{f_{m}\in \left \{{\mathcal F_{g}\thinspace \vert \thinspace {Z_{g}^{\,f}\ne Z_{j}^{\sigma }}}\right \}} x_{j,m} =0\tag{5}\\&\mathrm {\forall }j, m,\quad {x}_{j,m}\cdot P_{m}^{\,f}\le P_{j}^{\sigma }\tag{6}\end{align*}
Equations (4) and (5) guarantee that the signal \begin{align*}&\forall m, \forall \sigma _{j},\sigma _{j^{'}}\in \mathcal S_{g,h},\quad {x}_{j,m}= x_{j^{'},m}\tag{7}\\&\forall m, \forall \sigma _{j}\in \mathcal S_{g,h},\quad x_{j,m}= \sum \nolimits _{\sigma _{j^{'}}\in S_{g,h}} y_{j^{'},m}\tag{8}\end{align*}
Equation (7) ensures that each branch of a multicast signal is packed into the same frame. Equation (8) ensures that exactly one branch of a multicast signal adds its length to the frame.\begin{align*}&\forall \left ({\sigma _{j},l_{g} }\right)\in \mathcal U, \forall m,\quad {x}_{j,m}\le \mu _{m,g}^{\,f}\tag{9}\\&\forall m,g, \quad {\mu }_{m,g}^{\,f}\le \sum \nolimits _{(\sigma _{j},l_{g})\in U} {x_{j,m}} \tag{10}\\&\forall \left ({\sigma _{j},l_{g},l_{g^{'}} }\right)\in Q,\forall m,\quad {x}_{j,m}\le q_{m,g,g^{'}}^{\,f}\tag{11}\\&\forall m,g, g^{'},\quad q_{m,g,g^{'}}^{\,f}\le \sum \nolimits _{\left ({\sigma _{j},l_{g},l_{g^{'}} }\right)\in Q} {x}_{j,m}\tag{12}\\&\forall m,j,\quad x_{j,m}\le r_{m,R_{j}^{\sigma }}^{\,f}\tag{13}\\&\forall m,\forall l_{g}\in \mathcal L^{PE},\quad r_{m,g}^{\,f}\le \sum \nolimits _{\sigma _{j}\in \left \{{\mathcal S\thinspace \vert \thinspace {R_{j}^{\sigma }=l_{g}}}\right \}} {x}_{j,m}\tag{14}\end{align*}
Constraints (9) and (10) guarantee that a frame \begin{align*} \forall m, {w}_{m}^{\,f}=&OH+ \sum \nolimits _{\sigma _{j}\in \mathcal S} y_{j,m} \cdot W_{j}^{\sigma }+Z_{m}^{\,f}\cdot W^{MAC}\quad \tag{15}\\ \forall m, w_{m}^{\,f}\le&W_{max}^{\,f}\tag{16}\end{align*}
Equation (15) calculates the total length of the frame, including the frame overhead
(b) Frame scheduling \begin{equation*} \forall m,g, {o}_{m,g}^{\,f}{+c}_{m,g}^{\,f}{+a}_{m,g}^{\,f}\le M\cdot \mu _{m,g}^{\,f}\tag{17}\end{equation*}
Constraint (17) ensures that the start time \begin{align*}&\forall m,\forall l_{g}\in \mathcal L^{net},\quad c_{m,g}^{\,f}\le w_{m}^{\,f} / V_{g}^{l}+M\cdot ({1-\mu }_{m,g}^{\,f})\tag{18}\\&\forall m,\forall l_{g}\in \mathcal L^{net},\quad w_{m}^{\,f} / V_{g}^{l}-M\cdot \left ({{1-\mu }_{m,g}^{\,f} }\right) \!\le \! c_{m,g }^{\,f}\qquad \tag{19}\\&\forall m,\forall l_{g}\in \mathcal L^{PE},\quad {c}_{m,g}^{\,f}=\mu _{m,g}^{\,f}{\cdot Z_{m}^{\,f}\cdot C}_{g}^{l}\tag{20}\end{align*}
Constraints (18) and (19) state that the execution time
As mentioned above, the MAC generation and verification operations of each frame are considered the executions on the PEs of its sender and receivers. Thus (20) states that the execution time \begin{align*}&\forall m,g,\quad {a}_{m,g}^{\,f}=o_{m,g}^{\,f}+c_{m,g}^{\,f}\tag{21}\\&\forall m,g,g^{'},\quad {a}_{m,g}^{\,f}-M\cdot (1-q_{m,g,g^{'}}^{\,f})\le o_{m,g^{'}}^{\,f}\tag{22}\end{align*}
Constraint (21) determines that the finish time \begin{align*}&\forall g, \forall f_{m},f_{m^{'}}, m\!\ne \! m^{'}, \alpha \!\in \! \left \{{\!0,\ldots,lcm\left ({P_{m}^{\,f},P_{m^{'}}^{\,f} }\right) / {P_{m}^{\,f}-1} \!}\right \}, \\&\beta \!\in \! \{0,\ldots,lcm{(P_{m}^{\,f},P_{m^{'}}^{\,f})} \mathord {\left /{ {\vphantom {{(P_{m}^{\,f},P_{m^{'}}^{\,f})} {P_{m^{'}}^{\,f}-1}}} }\right. } {P_{m^{'}}^{\,f}-1} \\&\alpha \cdot P_{m}^{\,f}+a_{m,g}^{\,f}\le \beta \cdot P_{m^{'}}^{\,f}+o_{m^{'},g}^{\,f}+M\cdot \left ({1-\delta _{g,m,m^{'}}^{\alpha,\beta } }\right) \\&+\,M\cdot \left ({1-\mu _{m,g}^{\,f} }\right)+M\cdot \left ({1-\mu _{m^{'},g}^{\,f} }\right)\tag{23}\\&\beta \cdot P_{m^{'}}^{\,f}+a_{m^{'},g}^{\,f}\le \alpha \cdot P_{m}^{\,f}+o_{m,g}^{\,f}+M\cdot \delta _{g,m,m^{'}}^{\alpha,\beta } \\&+\,M\cdot \left ({1-\mu _{m,g}^{\,f} }\right)+M\cdot \left ({1-\mu _{m^{'},g}^{\,f} }\right)\tag{24}\end{align*}
Constraints (23) and (24) ensure that two frames never preempt each other on any resource. The variable \begin{align*}&\forall j,m,\quad o_{j}^{\sigma }-M\cdot (1-x_{j,m})\le o_{m,T_{j}^{\sigma }}^{\,f}\tag{25}\\&\forall j,m,\quad o_{m,T_{j}^{\sigma }}^{\,f}\le o_{j}^{\sigma }+M\cdot (1-x_{j,m})\tag{26}\\&\forall m,\forall \sigma _{j}\in \mathcal S^{app},\quad a_{j}^{\sigma }-M\cdot \left ({1-x_{j,m} }\right)\le a_{m,R_{j}^{\sigma }}^{\,f}\quad \tag{27}\\&\forall m,\forall \sigma _{j}\in \mathcal S^{app},\quad a_{m,R_{j}^{\sigma }}^{\,f}\le a_{j}^{\sigma }+M\cdot \left ({1-x_{j,m} }\right)\quad \tag{28}\\&\forall m,\forall \sigma _{j}\in \mathcal S^{sec},\quad a_{j}^{\sigma }-M\cdot \left ({1-x_{j,m} }\right)\le a_{m,N_{j}^{\sigma }}^{\,f}\quad \tag{29}\\&\forall m,\forall \sigma _{j}\in \mathcal S^{sec},\quad {a}_{m,N_{j}^{\sigma }}^{\,f}\le a_{j}^{\sigma }+M\cdot (1-x_{j,m})\tag{30}\\&\forall \sigma _{j}\in \mathcal S^{app},\quad {a}_{j}^{\sigma }\le D_{j}^{\sigma }\tag{31}\end{align*}
Constraints (25) and (26) guarantee that the start time
(c) Tasks Scheduling \begin{align*}&\forall \tau _{i}\in \Gamma ^{app},\quad o_{i}^{\tau }+C_{i}^{\tau }\le D_{i}^{\tau }\tag{32}\\&\forall g, \forall \tau _{i},\tau _{i^{'}}{\in \Gamma }_{g}, i\!\ne \! i^{'}, \alpha \!\in \! \left \{{\!0,\ldots,lcm\left ({P_{i}^{\tau },P_{i^{'}}^{\tau } }\right) / {P_{i}^{\tau }\!-\!1} \!}\right \}, \\&\beta \in \{0,\ldots,lcm{(P_{i}^{\tau },P_{i^{'}}^{\tau })} / {P_{i^{'}}^{\tau }-1}\} \\&\alpha \cdot P_{i}^{\tau }+o_{i}^{\tau }+C_{i}^{\tau }\le \beta \cdot P_{i^{'}}^{\tau }+o_{i^{'}}^{\tau }+M\cdot \left ({1-\theta _{i,i^{'}}^{\alpha,\beta } }\right)\tag{33}\\&\beta \cdot P_{i^{'}}^{\tau }+o_{i^{'}}^{\tau }+C_{i^{'}}^{\tau }\le \alpha \cdot P_{i}^{\tau }+o_{i}^{\tau }+M\cdot \theta _{i,i^{'}}^{\alpha,\beta }\tag{34}\end{align*}
Constraint (32) determines that the finish time of a task
(d) Data dependency \begin{align*}&{\forall \lambda _{r}\in \Lambda ^{sec}U \Lambda ^{app},\quad \left ({\sigma _{j},\tau _{i} }\right)\in G}_{r}^{app},\quad a_{j}^{\sigma }\le o_{i }^{\tau }\quad \tag{35}\\&{\forall \lambda _{r}\in \Lambda ^{app},\quad \left ({{\tau _{i},\sigma }_{j} }\right)\in G}_{r}^{app},\quad a_{i}^{\tau }\le o_{j}^{\sigma }\tag{36}\end{align*}
Constraints (35) and (36) guarantee that the predecessor must complete its execution before all its successors start in an automotive control or key authentication application.\begin{align*} \forall m,\quad \varphi _{m}^{\,f}=&\left \lceil{ \frac {o_{m,T_{m}^{\,f}}^{\,f}}{P_{int}} }\right \rceil \tag{37}\\ \forall m,\forall l_{g}\in L^{net},\quad \left \lceil{ \frac {a_{m,g}^{\,f}}{P_{int}} }\right \rceil\le&\varphi _{m}^{\,f}\tag{38}\end{align*}
According to the authentication mechanism, an automotive control frame is accepted and stored awaiting to be authenticcated by its receiver only when the key used to generate its MAC remains secret, i.e., the sender has not reached the time interval for releasing this key. Since the key is defined to be released in its corresponding next time interval, the transmission of each frame must be completed before the start of the next interval. Therefore, for a frame \begin{align*}&\forall g,f_{m}\in \left \{{\mathcal F_{g}\thinspace \vert \thinspace {Z_{g}^{\,f}=1}}\right \},\forall \tau _{i}\in \left \{{\Gamma _{g}^{sec}\thinspace \vert \thinspace {V_{i}^{\tau }=T_{m}^{\,f}}}\right \}, \\&\mathop {\,f}\limits _{o m, g}\ge a_{i}^{\tau }+ \varphi _{m}^{\,f}\cdot P_{int}-M\cdot \left ({1-r_{m,g}^{\,f} }\right)\tag{39}\end{align*}
Besides, an automotive control frame will be available to its receiver after the verification task for its MAC key is completed. Therefore, (39) guarantee that the start time of the verification operation of a frame \begin{align*}&{\forall l}_{g}\in \mathcal L^{PE}, f_{m}\in \left \{{F_{g}\thinspace \vert \thinspace {Z_{m}^{\,f}=1}}\right \},\quad \forall {\tau _{i}\in \Gamma }_{g}, \\&\alpha \!\in \! \left\{{0,\ldots,\frac {lcm\left ({P_{i}^{\tau },P_{m}^{\,f} }\right)}{P_{i}^{\tau }}-1,}\right\}, \\&\beta \left\{{\!\in \! 0,\ldots,\frac {lcm\left ({\! P_{i}^{\tau },P_{m}^{\,f} \!}\right)}{P_{m}^{\,f}}\!-\!1}\right\} \\&\alpha \cdot P_{i}^{\tau }+o_{i}^{\tau }+C_{i}^{\tau }\le \beta \cdot P_{m}^{\,f}+o_{m,g}^{\,f}+M\cdot \left ({1-\eta _{g,i,m}^{\alpha,\beta } }\right) \\&+\,M\cdot \left ({1-\mu _{m,g}^{\,f} }\right)\tag{40}\\&\beta \cdot P_{m}^{\,f}+o_{m,g}^{\,f}+c_{m,g}^{\,f}\le \alpha \cdot P_{i}^{\tau }+o_{i}^{\tau }+M\cdot \eta _{g,i,m}^{\alpha,\beta } \\&+\,M\cdot \left ({1-\mu _{m,g}^{\,f} }\right)\tag{41}\end{align*}
Constraints (40) and (41) ensure that the frame verification tasks and other tasks never preempt each other on any PE resource during execution, where the variable
(e) End-to-end latency \begin{equation*} \forall \rho _{\varepsilon }\in \mathcal {FP}^{app}, a_{Des_{\varepsilon }^{\rho }}^{\tau }-o_{Src_{\varepsilon }^{\rho }}^{\tau }\le D_{\varepsilon }^{\rho }\tag{42}\end{equation*}
Constraint (42) ensure that the end-to-end delay must less than the deadline for each function path, where
3) Objective Functions
Subject to the above constraints, we can seek optimality with respect to different cost functions.
A quite important objective, related to timing performance, is to maximize the laxity (difference between deadlines and response times) among all latency-sensitive function paths:\begin{equation*} \mathrm {Maximize} \sum \nolimits _{\forall {\rho _{\varepsilon }\in \mathcal {FP}}^{app}} {D_{\varepsilon }^{\rho }+o_{Src_{\varepsilon }^{\rho }}^{\tau }-a_{Des_{\varepsilon }^{\rho }}^{\tau }}\tag{43}\end{equation*}
We can alternatively minimize the consumption of network bandwidth, therefore improving extensibility:\begin{equation*} \mathrm {Minimize}\sum \nolimits _{\forall \mathrm {\,f}_{\mathrm {m\in }}\mathrm {\,f}} \sum \nolimits _{\mathrm {l}_{\mathrm {g}}\mathrm {\in }\mathrm {L}^{\mathrm {net}}} \mathrm {c}_{\mathrm {m,g}}^{\mathrm {\,f}} / \mathrm {P}_{\mathrm {m}}^{\mathrm {\,f}}\tag{44}\end{equation*}
Experimental Results and Discussion
In order to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed MILP-based security-aware scheduling approach (hereafter referred to as MILP-S), we conducted extensive experiments by scheduling a number of real-time automotive applications on the TTEthernet-based system architecture. The MILP is solved using LINGO 11.0 on a machine with a 2.8 GHz processor and 8 GB memory. The MACs are computed using hash function HMAC-MD5. We consider the Infineon TriCore, a widely used automotive 32-bit microcontroller, as a representative platform. A MAC generation/verification operation takes
In all experiments, the cost functions with respect to latency or extensibility are used as the criterions of performance evaluation. To assess the impact of the additional authentication mechanism on the system performances after using the proposed MILP-S, we compare the results of MILP-S and two non-security-aware scheduling optimization approaches, MILP-NS and ASAP-NS. The MILP-NS is based on the same MILP formulation, but it does not consider the authentication mechanism-related operations. The ASAP-NS is to (1) pack the signals generated by the same task into a frame, and (2) schedule the tasks and frames using As-Soon-As-Possible (ASAP) scheduling. Such a solution would be chosen by a good designer without the help of the dedicated optimization tool. It should be noted that since ASAP-based security-aware scheduling approach cannot obtain the feasible scheduling solutions (i.e., satisfying all the design constraints) in all experiments, this section does not present the results of this approach.
A. Types of Graphics Case Study: An Advanced Control System
We consider a case study from the literature [32], a set of advanced automotive control applications including adaptive cruise control (ACC), electric power steering (EPS), and traction control (TC). There are 24 tasks and 18 signals, 3 of which are multicast signals.
Tables 2 and 3 show the periods and the worst-case execution time of tasks (in microseconds) and the sizes of Signals (in bits). The hardware platform consists of 6 ESes connected via a switched Ethernet network. The speeds of the communication links are 100 Mbps.
Table 4 depicts the comparison results of MILP-S, MILP-NS and ASAP-NS with respect to latency and extensibility laxity metric functions. It is shown that MILP-S can guarantee the schedulability of system with authentica-tion mechanism overheads and constraints.
Specifically, when the timing performance is taken as optimization objective, the laxity of all time-sensitive function paths obtained by MILP-S is slightly lower than that of the non-security-aware scheduling optimization approaches MILP-NS and especially ASAP-NS. These demonstrate that the introduction of authentication function hardly affects the timing performance of systems after using the proposed MILP-S. On the other hand, when the extensibility is taken as optimization objective, the bandwidth used by MILP-S is greater than that of the non-security-aware scheduling optimization approaches MILP-NS and ASAP-NS. This is because that each sender needs to transmit the released key in each time interval after using the TESLA authentication mechanism, and consumes more bandwidth. Even so, for safety-critical automotive systems, a small portion of their bandwidth resources is still worth achieving security.
B. Scalability Analysis
1) System Configurations
To assess the scalability of the proposed approach, we generated a set of synthetic applications and network topologies based on realistic automotive system cases. Specifically, the period of tasks and signals are varied among the range [5, 10, and 20 ms]. The average ratio of deadline to period of each time-sensitive function path is 0.7. The speeds of the communication links are set to 100 Mbps. Two broad classes of experiments are conducted as follows.
First, we evaluate the performance of the proposed scheduling approach on different system scales. In the figures of results, the horizontal axis marks the number of PEs, which denotes the scale of the experiments, as the number of PEs and the number of tasks and signals simultaneously grow. The number of PEs on the horizontal axis is varied among the range [4], [8], [16], considering that a typical distributed automotive system such as infotainment or chassis is composed of less than 15 PEs. When the number of PEs is 16, the number of automotive applications, time-sensitive function paths, tasks and signals are 18, 36, 65 and 190, respectively. The average cost of a task is 2 ms and the average size of a signal is 32 bytes.
Second, we evaluate the performance of the proposed scheduling approach on systems with different numbers of time-sensitive function paths. We increase the number of time-sensitive function paths while keeping the same hardware architecture. Specifically, the number of time-sensitive function paths is varied among the range [5], [10], [11], [24]. The number of PEs is 8. The average cost of a task is 0.42 ms and the average size of a signal is 39 bytes.
2) Results and Disscussion
a: Increased Scales of System
Fig. 5 depicts the comparison results of MILP-S, MILP-NS and ASAP-NS with respect to laxity metric function on different system scales. It is shown that MILP-S can guarantee the schedulability of systems with authentication mechanism overheads and constraints in all experiments. In addition, the laxity of all time-sensitive function paths obtained by MILP-S is average 15% lower than that of MILP-NS, and only 9% lower than that of ASAP-NS. These demonstrate that the introduction of authentication function hardly affects the timing performance of systems after using the proposed MILP-S.
Fig. 6 depicts the comparison results of MILP-S, MILP-NS and ASAP-NS with respect to extensibility metric function on different system scales. The SD is the total fraction of the network bandwidth that is required by all signals. It can be calculated by
Furthermore, Fig. 7 shows the runtime of the MILP solver for each of these experiments. In our experiments, we set a 3600 s time limit. For both optimization metrics, the solver is able to find the optimal solution within the time limit when the number of PEs is less than 16; and return a feasible solution when the number of PEs is 16.
b: Increased Number of Function Paths
Fig. 8 depicts the comparison results of MILP-S, MILP-NS and ASAP-NS with respect to latency metric function on systems with different numbers of time-sensitive function paths. First, it is shown that MILP-S can still guarantee the schedulability of systems with authentication mechanism overheads and constraints. Second, the laxity of all function paths obtained by MILP-S is average 17% lower than that of MILP-NS, and only 12% lower than that of ASAP-NS.
Similarly, Fig. 9 depicts the comparison results of MILP-S, MILP-NS and ASAP-NS with respect to extensibility metric function on systems with different numbers of time-sensitive function paths. It is shown that MILP-S returns the biggest bandwidth consumption that is approximately 3.3 times the SD. And the bandwidth consumptions of ASAP-NS and MILP-NS are 1.8 times and 1.3 times SD, respectively. In addition, as the number of paths increases, the differences in bandwidth consumption between the security-aware MILP-S and non-security- aware MILP-NS and ASAP-NS decrease. This is because when the number of function paths grows and the number of PEs remains constant, each PE produces more signals, thus providing more possibility of optimization of frame packing.
Bandwidth consumption ratios of the scheduling approaches versus on number of paths.
Fig. 10 shows the runtime of the MILP solver for each experiment. For both optimization metrics, the solver can find the optimal solution within the time limit in all cases. These demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach.
In this paper, we have proposed an approach to address both the information security and functional safety in the scheduling design of TTEthernet-based automotive systems. An authentication mechanism based on delayed exposure of one-way key chains is applied on TTEthernet to protect against forgery and replay attacks. The authentication mechanism provides an appropriate trade-off between security level and resource overhead. Furthermore, an MILP formulation is proposed for solving the scheduling optimiza-tion problem of TTEthernet-based real-time automotive systems subject to both authentication mechanism constraints and other traditional design constraints. The objective of MILP approach is to maximize the laxity on function paths (therefore improving timing performance) or to minimize the bandwidth consumption (therefore improving extensibility). The experiment results show that the proposed MILP approach can still guarantee the schedulability of systems with authentication mechanism overheads and constraints and achieve good performance with timing and extensibility. In future work, we plan to implement encryption mechanism on TTEthernet for protecting the data confidentiality. Meanwhile, we will extend our optimization framework to include all cryptographic operations of the encryption mechanism.