I. Introduction
Since its first introduction in 2006, Spatial Modulation (SM) has received considerable attention from the academic community [1]. SM provides a new dimension to carry data bits besides well-known constellation mapping. Inspired by the underlying idea of SM, Subcarrier Index Modulation (SIM) and enchanced SIM are proposed for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) [2], [3]. Then, in 2013, OFDM-IM method has been introduced by Basar et.al. [4]. According to [4], subcarriers are split into subblocks. In each subblock, some of the subcarriers are activated to convey symbols and the remains are unused. While active subcarriers are determined to index bits, conveying symbols are created by bits entering constellation mapper. Not only providing high Spectral Efficiency (SE) in OFDM-IM, but also the better Bit Error Ratio (BER) is obtained compared to classical OFDM at the same time. In 2016, Dual Mode OFDM-IM (DM-OFDM-1M) has been proposed which activates all subcarriers to convey symbols. In this manner, more SE is provided compared the OFDM-IM. Within a very short period of time, various DM-OFDM methods have been proposed that further increase SE [5]–[7]. All these studies assume that channel knowledge is perfectly known at the receiver. However, Channel Estimation (CE) methods for DM-OFDM-IM based systems have not been studied yet. Addressing this gap, various interpolation techniques for channel estimation method are investigated for DM-OFDM-IM technique in Rayleigh fading channel.