I. Introduction
The 2-D inverse scattering problem is an important topic due to potential applications in modern human life, e.g., biomedical imaging [1]–[3], nondestructive evaluation [4]–[6], synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging [7]–[10], and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) [11]–[13]. However, because of its inherent nonlinearity and illposedness, it is difficult to solve. Among the various imaging methods, noniterative-type algorithms are of interest due to expected numerical simplicity and low computational cost, for example, MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC), linear sampling method (LSM), topological derivative, Kirchhoff migration, and direct sampling method (DSM). Related works can be found in [14]–[19] and references therein. Even though these methods can provide good results with multistatic data, they may fail with monostatic ones due to the lack of information arising to great assumption from inherent limitation. However, as the monostatic configuration is encountered in various applications such as GPR and SAR, deep understanding and development of effective algorithms are needed.