I. Introduction
As a consequence of population growth and urbanization, the transportation demand is steadily rising in the metropolises worldwide. The extensive routine traffic volumes bring pressures to existing urban traffic infrastructure, resulting in everyday traffic congestions. Adaptive traffic signal control (ATSC) aims for reducing potential congestions in saturated road networks, by adjusting the signal timing according to real-time traffic dynamics. Early-stage ATSC methods solve optimization problems to find efficient coordination and control policies. Successful products, such as SCOOT [1] and SCATS [2], have been installed in hundreds of cities across the world. OPAC [3] and PRODYN [4] are similar methods, but their relatively complex computation makes the implementation less popular. Since the 90s, various interdisciplinary techniques have been applied to ATSC, such as fuzzy logic [5], genetic algorithm [6], and immune network algorithm [7].