I. Introduction
For providing user centric services, websites gather noticeable amount of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) (e.g age, race, social security numbers, house location, driving license etc.). Currently, over 50 million people use several Social Networking Sites (SNS) and have made available a vast amount of PII on these sites. All these SNS sites, other websites and mobile applications offer sign in or registration for premium services. PII are often utilized by organizations to authenticate a customer's identity. Since most of these SNS sites and applications are for free, several studies found PII breaching by these organizations. Actually, these organizations store, distribute, analyse sensitive PII information in order to generate business model through user profiling. Tech giants uses third party service providing enterprises to mine those customers PII. Ultimately, those subsidiary organizations collect, analyze and distribute data from several organization. Eventually, users are having no clue where their data are ending up with. We all are reaping the advantages of data-driven industry but the dark side is illicit use of those PII. Guardian reveals on April 2018 that, the largest SNS site Facebook breached 87 million personal information and PII of its user [1]. Constant data breaching incidents are happening in the era of big data those were mentioned by several studies [2]–[4]. According to Armerding [4], data breaches by different organization in 21 st century are Yahoo (3 billion), ebay (145 million), Adobe (38 million), JP Morgan (76 million), US Office of Personnel Management (22 million). Gemalto's Breach Level Index (BLI) reported, out of 10. 4 million yearly PII leaking, 74% were identity stealing [5]. Forbes magazine [6] stated data as new currency in trade marketing. The reported that around 200 billion USD are being invested in order to exchange PII. Companies are exchanging their customer's data to make profit. Business to business communication will be even extensive in the era of industry 4.0 which lead us to this think about PII management and tracking.