1. Introduction
Bad weather events such as fog, mist, and haze dramatically reduce the visibility of any scenery and constitute significant obstacles for computer vision applications, e.g. object detection, tracking, and segmentation. While images captured from hazy fields usually preserve most of their major context, they require some visibility enhancement as a pre-processing before feeding them into computer vision algorithms, which are mainly trained on the images captured at clear weather conditions. This pre-processing is generally called as image dehazing/defogging. Image de-hazing techniques aim to generate haze-free images purified from the bad weather events. Sample hazy and haze-free images from the NTIRE 2018 challenge on single image dehazing [4] are illustrated in Figure 1.
Hazy and clean examples from the NTIRE 2018 challenge on single image dehazing datasets: I-HAZE [6] & O-HAZE [7] datasets.