I. Introduction
Static synchronous compensators (STATCOMs) are now on practical to solve reactive power interferences. A three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverter, which was originally proposed by Prof. Nabae et al. [1], is widely used in industries [2]–[4]. A three-level NPC inverter based STATCOM can be directly connected to 6,600- Vrms high-voltage distribution feeders. This is a significant advantage of the three-level NPC inverter-based STATCOM. The instantaneous active-reactive power theory originally proposed by Prof. Akagi et al. is widely used for the control strategy of STATCOMs [5]–[7]. This control algorithm is mainly based on instantaneous active-reactive power theory and its extensions for the calculation of reference currents. A synchronous reference frame, decomposition in the time domain of the load currents, and theory of instantaneous symmetrical component are also proposed [8], [9].