I. Introduction
With tremendous advancement in technology and multimedia, images and videos become sole part of our day to day life activities. So, these available images and videos become a subject of study. Image processing, computer vision and computer graphics areas deal with study of images and videos. Various works have been done in the field of image retrieval, image classification but comparatively very few works have been done in order to perform image to image translation. Isola et al. [1] proposed a novel method of such image to image translation using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs). In our proposed method, we have extended the task of image to image translation in Document Image Analysis (DIA) domain. Our work focuses on font to font translation of document images of printed words. To the best of our knowledge, no other previous work tried to device any method for word level font to font translation. Using our method, images of printed words written in one particular font, can be easily transformed to any other commonly used font. This makes it very useful for editing purpose with no need of soft copy. One can edit by directly taking the photograph and changing the font without re-editing them, thus saving sufficient time and effort. Sometimes fonts of old books or manuscripts become fainted, which make them difficult to understand. These fonts can be given a new fresh look, easing readability. Font-to-font translation can also be applied to graphic designs. Other useful aspects of this novel approach include designing of cover pages of magazines or books, with the advantage that different fonts can be tried without having several softcopies of the background. Fig. 1 illustrates the font-to-font translation problem.
Example showing the font-to-font translation