I. Introduction
Wireless communication systems transmit information in the form of bits in the radio space to the receiver. For this transmission different modulation technique and different channels are there such as Single Input Single Output systems, Single Input Multiple Output systems, Multiple Input Single Output systems and Multiple Input Multiple Output systems. [1]. The recent researches have shown that large gains in capacity of communication over wireless systems along with the enhancement in system performance over conventional systems in multipath fading channels. By using Multiple Input Multiple Output system Channels are obtained [2]. MIMO-OFDM technology is a mixture of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless technology with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). MIMO-OFDM systems covers channel capacity and model, diversity gain and coding scheme [3]. By using STC design bit error rate for CPM MIMO system is calculated. Laurent decomposition method is first applied on PAM signal and this is then extended to CPM MIMO system. For calculating bit error rate Monte-Carlo simulation is used [4]. Using Simulink the Bit Error Rate (BER) study for the combinations of number of Tx and Rx antennas for TAS/MRC system for various fading environment can be obtained. Orthogonal Space Time Block Code is used to improve the performance of MIMO systems. [5]. A new transmission method is developed for MIMO-OFDM systems. This new method is proficient and appropriate especially for similar channels such as the link between two antennas or between two base stations [6]. Space Time Coded (STC) CPM is introduced which is cooperative diversity scheme. In order to support the scheme both amplify and forward (AF) and decode and forward (DF) modes of operation were considered [7]. Scheme for multiuser reception is presented for CPM MIMO transmission. The system is designed to achieve high spectral efficiency in order to take advantage of the multiplexing gain of MIMO techniques. [8]. In order to calculate the performance of Space Time Code MIMO system Pair wise probability (PEP) is used [9]. Bell Lab layered Space Time (BLAST) is another one of the technique which is used to ensure the phase continuity of CPM signal [10] [11].