Photonics integrated circuits (PIC) and planar lightwave circuits (PLC) with large bandwidth are essential in high capacity optical communication networks. They are crucial to perform ultrafast optical signal processing operations without sacrificing the networks high-capacity. One way to achieve that on single-mode propagating signals is to combine different techniques such as time-division-multiplexing, wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM), polarization-division-multiplexing, and complex modulation formats. Another way is to convert single-mode signals into multimode signals and then multiplex them together over multimode waveguides using mode-division-multiplexing in order to handle high aggregate data rates (i.e. large bandwidth).
The silica-glass material is used to be an attractive choice for planar waveguide based devices, which are designed for optical communication applications. That is because silica-glass has some unique features like relatively low optical loss and nonlinearities, especially over the optical communication wavelength range. Besides, it is compatible with silica-based planar integrated circuits and planar lightwave circuits as well as standard optical fibers. In other words, it does not mandates using long adiabatic tapers or spot-size matching converters at device inputs or outputs, as the case with silicon photonic technology devices, when they are connected to optical fibers. In addition, silica-glass offers physical and chemical stability, reliability, ease of fabrication, high thermo-optical coefficient, and low cost [1]–[3]. Different optical components have been realized using silica-glass PLC technology such as directional couplers, variable optical attenuators, Mach-Zehnder interferometers, arrayed waveguide gratings, and reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers [2], [4]–[6]. Moreover, coherent receivers, optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexer, and highly functional modulators have been also demonstrated [1]. Furthermore, silica-glass power Y-splitter for multicore optical fiber was demonstrated using space-division-splitting technique [7], and graded-index ‘V’ power-splitter was realized using silica-glass material [8].
Different techniques have been reported on mode conversions in planar waveguides. For example, two modes excitation in a few-modes waveguide using Mach-Zehnder interferometer was demonstrated [9], [10]. In which, the mode conversion and exchange were demonstrated for two-mode waveguides. Also, an optical mode converter using tapered waveguide splitters was demonstrated at a single wavelength of 1550nm [11]. In that work, the conversion between TE0 and TE3 in addition to TE1 and TE2 are illustrated, with an estimated cross-talk of ≅11.4dB. A symmetric and asymmetric Y-junctions have been proposed for few-modes and multimode excitation [12]. In which, the performance of mode conversion was dependent on fine-tuning of taper-angle between the Y-junction arms.
Although the main focus in this work here is planar waveguides mode conversion, it is worth also to mention some techniques on mode-division-multiplexing (MDM) as one possible potential application for such mode-conversion. Different techniques have been reported on on-chip MDM. For example, data exchange of MDM TE0 and TE1 modes has been demonstrated using silicon-on-insulator (SOI) micro-ring resonators for use in flexible networks [13]. An SOI on-chip MDM for TE0 and TE1 modes plus WDM switch were demonstrated using single-mode elements [14]. On-chip two-modes MDM using SOI tapered directional couplers was also demonstrated [15]. On-chip simultaneous MDM and polarization division multiplexing were demonstrated using densely packed waveguide array [16]. All these techniques involve conversion to or between few-mode waveguides that can handle up to two modes. However, in [17], an SOI mode multiplexer was demonstrated using asymmetric directional couplers. It could handle up to four modes at the same polarization. It showed a good performance only over the 20nm tunable single-carrier wavelength range, and fabrication tolerance of ±10nm. Although the device was short because of using silicon technology, however, it was still mandatory to use relatively long adiabatic mode-size converters at the device inputs and outputs to achieve good performance, otherwise, the total insertion losses from fiber-to-fiber could reach up to 12‒13dB.
Here in this work, and for the first time, a novel planar silica-glass waveguide converter (WGC) device is proposed and numerically demonstrated. The device can convert in bi-directional directions from conventional single-mode waveguide (1M-WG) to three or four modes waveguide (3M/ 4M-WG) by going through an intermediate stage of two modes waveguides (2M-WG). The device can be designed to selectively excite one desired mode inside the output few-modes waveguides. The selective mode excitation (or conversion) between 1M-WG and 3M/ 4M-WG is based on slicing of input mode spatially into four quarters.
All quarters have the same power, however, each one has its own unique phase. The quarters’ phases are then adjusted independently before re-combining them again to achieve the desired output mode. The mode slicing and re-combining are performed using V-shape and M-shape graded-index (GI) slicers and combiners. The V-shape GI profiles make sharp deflections to propagating signal beams, while the M-shape GI profiles make more gentle deflections. The V-shape mode slicer/ combiner is more suitable for deflections of single-beam quarters (e.g. TE0 mode), while the M-shape mode slicer/ combiner is more suitable for deflections of double-beam quarters (e.g. TE1 mode). It is well known that conventional step-index Y-splitters or combiners are commonly used with fundamental modes only, and mandate very careful and critical design of waveguides branching angles and adiabatic tapering. On contrary, the GI designs here allow for dealing with fundamental (TE0) as well as higher order modes (TE1, TE2, or TE3), while preserving their beam confinement profile during propagation. Also, the GI allows for flexible non-critical geometrical designs, such as different possible tilting (apex) angles for the V-shape waveguides, and M-shape GI planar WG. The three dimensional (3D) finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations throughout this work verify the WGC operation in bidirectional directions for each excited mode, and they also illustrate good device performance over the entire C-band wavelength range for all tested cases.
Principles of Operation
Fig. 1 (a) shows the schematic structure of a planar silica-glass waveguide converter (WGC) device. It consists of three stages of mode slicers (MS) and mode combiners (MC). The WGC can convert from a single-mode (1M) waveguide (WG) into three-mode (3M) or four-mode (4M) waveguides and vice versa. The device together with its input and output WGs are all surrounded by a cladding region having a refractive index of 1.45. The first stage converts from input 1M-WG into two-mode (2M) waveguides and thus slices input fundamental mode (TE0) into two equal-power fundamental modes (TE0). The second stage has two input 2M-WGs and also two output 2M-WGs. It slices each input M-WG fundamental mode in two equal-power halves in order to have overall of four equal-power quarters for the original input single-mode. However, each quarter has its own original phase. The second stage re-adjusts the phase differences among different quarters by introducing appropriate ‘
The silica-glass planar waveguide converter (WGC) device configuration. (a) The schematic structure, (b) The refractive-index distribution. The inset in (b) shows the M-shape index distribution within the third stage. The 1M, 2M, 3M, and 4M–WG corresponds to single, two, three, and four-mode waveguides, respectively. The V-MS/ C is the V-shape graded-index mode-slicer/ combiner. The M-MC is the M-shape graded-index mode-combiner. PS: phase-shifter, L: waveguide length, and W: waveguide width.
Fig. 1 (b) shows the refractive-index distribution of planar silica-glass waveguides converter device. The first stage consists of V-shape mode-slicer (V-MS). The V-MS slices input fundamental-mode of 1M-WG, and splits its power into fundamental-modes of the two output 2M-WG. The VMS consists of two angle-tilted waveguides each at 20° with respect to input core central-axis. Thus, the two waveguides form a V-shape with a total apex angle of 40°. Each of the V-shape planar waveguides has a width \begin{equation*} n(w)=n_{o}\left ({1-\frac {1}{2}\alpha ^{2}w^{2}}\right)\tag{1}\end{equation*}
Where \begin{equation*} NA=n_{c} \sin \theta _{a}\cong n_{o}\alpha W/2\tag{2}\end{equation*}
Where ‘
The FDTD simulations of electric field magnitudes in a.u. (x-y cross-sections) for the case of WG conversion from 1M-WG to 4M-WG in the forward direction. The phase-shifters are adjusted in each case to selectively excite: (a) TE0, (b) TE1, (c) TE2, and (d) TE3 mode in the output 4M waveguide. The propagating modes are sketched at each stage. The white arrow on the lower-left corner indicates the propagation direction.
It is worth mentioning that the choice of 20° tilting-angle here ensures that it is small enough than the acceptance angle ‘
The second stage consists of two side-by-side and parallel V-shape mode slicers and combiners (MS, and MC). Each MS-MC forms a diamond-like structure (shape), as shown in Fig. 1. The MS-MC receives the two sliced fundamental modes out of the first stage and slices them again into four quarters of equal-power beams using two separate V-MS. The two V-MS configuration and operation are exactly the same like that of the first stage V-MS, except that the tilting angles of V-shaped waveguides here are 15° with a total apex angle of
Each V-MS is followed by a V-shape mode combiner (V-MC) in order to re-combine the four single-beams quarters again before the two output 2M-WG. The two V-MC combiners operate and have configuration exactly the same like V-MS of this stage, except that they work in the reverse direction. Thus, each V-MC can re-combine two input beams into one output beam. Again, as stated earlier, the lengths of each V-MS and V-MC in diamond structures are optimized to ensure that deflected beams come back by TIR parallel to input beams and also to best-match the modes of output 2M-WGs in order to minimize insertion loss. There are four phase-shifters (PS1 through PS4) placed in between the V-MS and V-MC in order to modify the relative phase differences among the four quarters beams before recombination. Thus, every two re-combined beams can selectively excite the desired mode in each output 2M-WG. The phase-shifters (PS) are designed to introduce either ‘0’ or ‘\begin{equation*} \Delta \phi =2\pi L{\Delta n} / {\lambda _{o}}\tag{3}\end{equation*}
All phase-shifters have the same length, L
The third stage consists of an M-shape mode combiner (M-MC). The M-shape graded-index profile consists of two parabolas side-by-side with a minimum index value almost equals to the device cladding index, as shown in Fig. 1 (b) inset. The minima are located at the middle and boundaries of M-MC waveguide. Thus forming together an M-shape across the waveguide entire width. The waveguide average width is
The third stage receives the two input modes out of the second stage and re-combines them together into one output mode in either 3M or 4M-WG. The separation between the third stage two inputs 2M-WGs is already set by the previous stage at
The M-shape GI profile is found to be more appropriate than V-shape profile for combining TE1 modes (or slicing higher-order modes into TE1 mode, as shown later), because TE1 propagates as two side-by-side parallel beams and thus the M-shape preserves TE1 beams parallelism as well as separation at waveguide output, i.e. it does not introduce distortion. The following simple mathematical derivation illustrates that more.
Generally, the beam propagation through a graded-index profile can be described by the Eikonal differential equation [18]:\begin{equation*} \frac {d^{2}w}{dL^{2}}=\frac {1}{n\left ({w }\right)}\frac {dn\left ({w }\right)}{dw}\tag{4}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} w_{out}\cong&w_{in} cos (\alpha L)+\frac {\theta _{in}}{\alpha }\text {s}\textit {in}(\alpha L)\tag{5}\\ \theta _{out}=&\frac {dw_{out}}{dL}\cong -w_{in} \alpha sin (\alpha L)+\theta _{in} cos (\alpha L)\tag{6}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} \Delta w_{out}=&w_{out1} -w_{out2} =\Delta w_{in} cos\left ({{\alpha L} }\right) \tag{7}\\ \Delta \theta _{out}=&\theta _{out1} -\theta _{out2} =-\Delta w_{in} \alpha sin\left ({{\alpha L} }\right)\tag{8}\end{align*}
For M-shape GI,
For V-shape GI,
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show the three-dimensional (3D) finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations of the device electric fields in arbitrary units (a.u.) using Lumerical Solutions software [19]. It illustrates the conversion from 1M-WG to 4M-WG with selective mode excitations at the operating wavelength of 1550 nm. Fig. 2 show the two dimensional (2D) cross-sections (x-y directions) of 3D simulations for excitation of 1st (fundamental), 2nd, 3rd, and 4th order modes, respectively in the 4M-WG. The input fundamental mode of 1M-WG is propagating in the forward direction along the positive y-direction. Every change in the confined beam propagation direction (i.e. beams deflections) indicates a TIR inside the V-shape or M-shape GI waveguides. The white sinusoidal sketches illustrate the different propagating modes shapes. The phase difference between peaks and troughs is ‘
The FDTD simulations of mode-profiles electric fields in a.u. (x-z cross-sections) for the case of WG conversion from 1M-WG to 4M-WG in the forward direction. The dashed rectangles indicate waveguides cores boundaries. (a) Input TE0 mode-profile in 1M-WG of the first stage, (b) Output TE0 modes in left and right 2M-WGs of the first stage, respectively, (c) The TE0 mode-profiles inside left and right diamond structures waveguides, respectively, just before the phase-shifters. The TE0 mode-profiles inside the left and right diamond structures waveguides, respectively, just after the phase-shifters for different cases of conversion to (d) TE0, (e) TE1, (f) TE2, and (g) TE3 modes. The TE0 and TE1 mode-profiles in outputs left and right 2M-WGs of the second stage for different cases of conversion to (h) TE0, (i) TE1, (j) TE2, and (k) TE3 modes. The converted output mode-profiles in the 4M-WG for the case of (l) TE0, (m) TE1, (n) TE2, and (o) TE3 modes.
Fig. 3 shows the two-dimensional cross-sections (x-z directions) of 3D simulations for propagating modes-profiles inside waveguides at some selected critical locations of different stages. The figure illustrates a step-by-step evolution of mode-profiles along the propagation direction, and thus verifies the device operation. The selected case for illustration here is a conversion from 1M-WG to 4M-WG in the forward direction, similar to the case in Fig. 2. The mode-profile electric-fields are represented in a.u. The dashed rectangles indicate the boundaries between waveguides cores and cladding. Fig. 3-a and 3-b illustrate the TE0 mode-profiles at the 1M-WG input and two 2M-WG outputs of the first stage. While Fig. 3-c illustrates the cross-sections of left and right diamond structures just before the phase-shifters. These cross-sections show TE0 modes, and they are applicable to all cases of conversions. Fig. 3-d, 3-e, 3-f, and 3-g illustrate the cross-sections of left and right diamond structures just after the phase-shifters. They correspond to conversion to output TE0, TE1, TE2, and TE3 modes, respectively. Fig. 3-h, 3-i, 3-j, and 3-k illustrate TE0 and TE1 mode-profiles at output 2M-WGs of the second stage, corresponding to conversions to output TE0, TE1, TE2, and TE3 modes, respectively. Fig. 3-l, 3-m, 3-n, and 3-o illustrate mode-profiles at the output 4M-WG of the third stage for the cases of conversions to TE0, TE1, TE2, and TE3 modes, respectively.
All such mode profiles in Fig. 3 show good quality shapes and conversions. These profiles are also used in the characterization and performance evaluation of the device, through numerical mode overlap integrals [19]. They are used to estimate insertion-loss, cross-talk, as well as mode-rejection ratio in reverse direction, as discussed later.
Similarly, the case would be for conversion from 1M-WG to 3M-WG. Therefore, it is found to be sufficient showing the case of 3D FDTD of 4M-WG as an example here. However, it is worth mentioning that the WGC converts to 3M or 4M WG through the intermediate second stage of 2M-WGs. Therefore the device inherently converts from 1M-WG to 2M-WG in the second stage.
Fig. 4 shows the conversion in reverse direction from few-modes input 4M-WG to a single-mode output 1M-WG (i.e. fundamental mode) at the operating wavelength of 1550 nm. Fig. 4 (a)–(d) show the 2D cross-sections (in x-y directions) of 3D simulations for the cases of input 1st (fundamental), 21nd, 31rd, and 41th order modes, respectively. Here, the M-shape GI profile of M-MS is suitable to slice input TE2 or TE3 modes in two TE1 modes, each propagating like two parallel beams, without introducing distortions to the mode shape. The TE1 modes are sliced again to get four equal-power quarters, then their relative phase-differences are re-adjusted before re-combining them again to excite the fundamental mode in the output 1M-WG. It is worth mentioning that the mode-profiles in reverse direction show also good quality shapes and conversions as expected. Similarly, the case would be for conversion from 3M-WG to 1M-WG, so it is found to be sufficient showing the FDTD of 4M-WG case only.
The FDTD simulations of electric field magnitudes in a.u. (x-y cross-sections) for the case of WG conversion from 4M-WG to 1M-WG in reverse direction. The phase-shifters are adjusted in each case to convert from (a) TE0, (b) TE1, (c) TE2, and (d) TE3 of input 4M waveguide. The propagating modes are sketched at each stage. The white arrow on the lower-left corner indicates the propagation direction.
The FDTD simulations here verify the bidirectional operation of WGC device to convert between the single-mode waveguide and 4-modes or 3-modes waveguides and vice-versa.
Performance Evaluation
In order to assess the waveguide converter performance, the 3D FDTD simulations are performed over the C-band covering a wavelength range from
Fig. 5 (a)–(c) show the performance of 1M-WG to 4M-WG WGC in bidirectional directions. The curves legends are shown in part (c). Fig. 5 (a) shows the IL for each exited mode in either output 4M-WG or 1M-WG. The worst case insertion loss is ≅ 3dB. Which is considered reasonable. The IL for TE2 and TE3 are higher than TE0 and TE1 because the former mandates excitation of TE1 mode, while the latter mandates excitation of TE0 mode in the 2M-WGs of the second stage, respectively. The TE1 mode in 2M-WGs suffers more radiation loss during excitation than TE0 because it has more mode field width. Fig. 5 (b) shows the PDL for each exited mode in either output 4M-WG or 1M-WG. The TE and TM polarizations are excited separately in the input waveguide, while the output insertion loss is estimated for each output excited mode in order to calculate the IL difference. The worst case PDL is ≅ 0.6dB. Which is considered also reasonable. Fig. 5 (c) shows the RL for each exited mode in either output 4M-WG or 1M-WG. The worst case return loss is ≅ 21dB at the wavelength of 1553nm. Which is also considered reasonable. Fig. 5 (d)–(f) show the performance of 1M-WG to 3M-WG WGC in bidirectional directions. The curves legends are shown in part (f). Fig. 5 (d) shows the IL for each exited mode in the output waveguide. The worst case insertion loss is ≅ 2.7dB. Fig. 5 (e) shows the PDL for each exited mode in the output waveguide. The worst case PDL is ≅ 0.45dB. Fig. 5 (f) shows the RL for each exited mode in the output waveguide. The worst case return loss is ≅ 21.3dB at a wavelength of ≅ 1550 nm. Which is also considered reasonable. These performance parameters evaluations indicate that bidirectional operations of the WGC device with 3M-WG or 4M-WG have good performance.
The performance evaluation of WGC parameters in bidirectional directions over C-band. In the case of conversion between 1M-WG and 4M-WG: (a) Insertion-loss, (b) Polarization-dependent loss, and (c) Return-loss together with figures legends. In the case of conversion between 1M-WG and 3M-WG: (d) Insertion-loss, (e) Polarization-dependent loss, and (f) Return-loss together with figures legends.
Although the performance in the forward and reverse directions are almost similar, it is worth mentioning that there might be some slight differences. That is because in the forward direction input power is divided among the desired and undesired modes in output few-mode waveguide. In other words, input power is distributed among several modes in the output waveguide. Whereas, in the reverse direction, one selected input mode is injected and its power is collected by only one mode in the output single-mode waveguide. So, it is expected to have such slight differences in estimated bidirectional performance.
Fig. 6 shows the estimated cross-talk (XT) in dB between the desired excited modes and undesired excited modes, for the two cases of output 4M-WG and 3M-WG over the entire C-band. To measure the XT, the phase-shifters of WGC are adjusted each time to selectively excite only one desired (target) mode in output WG, then the insertion loss is measured for this excited mode as well as for undesirable (unavoidable) excited modes. The insertion loss of undesirable modes is considered a cross-talk due to cross-coupling with the excited desirable modes. The XT expresses how well the desired output mode is excited without excitation of other undesired modes in the output waveguide. For 4M-WG case, the worst case XT across the C-band is found to be ≅ −24.1dB for undesirable TE0 mode when the desired excited mode is TE3. Which is considered reasonable. The worst XT usually takes place between the excited even modes or odd modes. That is because the excitation of even modes requires the same width of M-MC (
The estimated cross-talk (XT) between desirable and undesirable excited modes in 4M or 3M output waveguide, over the C-band, given the WGC is configured to excite only one target (desirable) mode. The desired target mode is: (a) TE0, (b) TE1, (c) TE2, and (d) TE3.
Fig. 7 shows the estimated mode-rejection ratio (MRR) for conversion in reverse direction from input 4M-WG or 3M-WG modes to 1M-WG output fundamental mode. The phase-shifters of the WGC device are configured to selectively convert only one input desirable mode: TE0, TE1, TE2, and TE3 in Fig. 7 (a), (b), (c), and (d), respectively. For each configuration, the input waveguide mode is changed while keeping the phase shifters fixed in order to estimate the MRRs of such modes at the output waveguide. The MRR is estimated as the insertion loss for each input mode at one selected device configuration. The MRR expresses how well the undesired input modes are rejected (i.e. not converted to output 1M-WG mode), if the device is configured to convert another desired mode.
The estimated mode-rejection ratio (MRR) for conversion from 4M-WG or 3M-WG input modes to 1M-WG output fundamental mode, over the C-band, given the WGC is configured to convert only one input desirable mode. The configured device mode is: (a) TE0, (b) TE1, (c) TE2, and (d) TE3. The inset shows an example of the FDTD electric field corresponding to one selected MRR value, as indicated by the arrow.
The inset shows an example of 2D FDTD (x-y directions) electric field at the wavelength of 1550nm for input 4M-WG TE1 mode, when the device is configured for TE3 conversion. The MRR, in this case, is ≅ −28.8dB. The worst case MRR over the entire C-band is found to be ≅ −23dB at the wavelength of 1530nm for input 4M-WG TE0 mode, when the device is configured for TE3 conversion. Which is considered reasonable. For 3M-WG case, the worst case MRR is found to be ≅ −23dB at the wavelength of 1560nm for input TE0 mode, when the device is configured for TE2 conversion. Which is also considered reasonable.
Fig. 6 and 7 indicate that bidirectional operation of the 3M and 4M WGC device has a good performance with respect to cross-talks and mode-rejection ratios.
Performance Tolerance
In this section, the performance tolerances to design parameters are investigated and discussed. The limits of design parameters, over which the device can keep acceptable performance, set the design tolerance margins. These margins can help giving indications on the limits of fabrication errors, and the sensitivity to fabrication imperfections. For simplicity, the case of conversion from 1M-WG to 4M-WG at 1550nm is considered as an example to examine performance tolerances, because such conversion would be the worst case scenario.
The IL and XT are selected to be the most critical performance parameters to investigate. Because both can decide on how well the desired mode is excited with low loss and negligible crosstalk with undesirable modes. The worst-case unacceptable values of IL and XT are assumed to be 10dB and −10dB, respectively. Actually, the performance parameter (either IL or XT) that reaches the worst case first will set the limit on design parameters margins. The critical design parameters selected here are the length, width and graded-index slope of V-shape and M-shape waveguides, in addition to the separation ‘d’ between the centers of V-shaped diamond structures within the second stage. The variation in ‘d’ accounts for possible misalignments between the second stage and the first or third stage. More specifically, it represents possible misalignments between the diamond shapes and input/ output 2M-WGs of the first/ third stages (i.e. displacements of 2M-WGs from apex angle tip location). Such misalignments may, of course, introduce some power imbalance between V-MS and V-MC arms, and thus can affect the overall device performance.
Fig. 8 shows the performance tolerance to small changes in V-shape waveguides parameters (within the first and second stages) such as lengths (
The performance tolerance to small variations in V-shape waveguides design parameters. The selected case is 1M-WG to 4M-WG conversion at the 1550nm operating wavelength. The left-column figures correspond to IL, while the right-column figures correspond to XT. The variations are in: (a-b) length ‘
All the above values indicate reasonable performance tolerances to variations in V-shape waveguides design parameters.
Fig. 9 shows the performance tolerance to small changes in M-shape waveguide parameters (within the third stage) such as length (
The performance tolerance to small variations in M-shape design parameters. The selected case is 1M-WG to 4M-WG conversion at 1550nm operating wavelength. The left-column figures correspond to IL, while the right-column figures correspond to XT. The variations are in: (a-b) length ‘
A novel planar silica-glass few-modes waveguide converter is proposed and numerically demonstrated for the first time. It can convert in bidirectional directions between single mode and two, three, or four modes waveguides. Such waveguide conversion can be considered a first step to generate higher or lower order modes before multiplexing or demultiplexing in mode-division multiplexing applications. The device operation depends on spatial slicing and combining of modes using V-shape and M-shape graded-index profiles. The device shows a good performance in both directions over the entire C-band wavelength range (≅ 35nm). The worst-case insertion-loss, polarization-dependent loss, and return-loss are ≅ 3, 0.6, and 21dB, respectively. While, the worst-case cross-talk and mode-rejection ratio are ≅ −24.1dB and −23dB, respectively. The performance tolerances to V-shape and M-shape waveguides design parameters variations prove to be reasonable, which in turn relax the constraints on device fabrication errors and sensitivity margins. Although the device fabrication is not the main focus in this paper here, it is worth mentioning that there are various fabrication methods to realize PIC silica-glass planar waveguides [20], and also some special fabrication techniques [21], [22] could be utilized to realize the peak indices within these silica-glass waveguides.
The author would like to gratefully acknowledge the technical support from the Research Center at the College of Engineering, and the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University.