I. Introduction
The development of education in Malaysia change due to the changes in economic, social, number of population, technology and the needs of the education development itself. Therefore the government has determined that the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector as the main route in providing highly-skilled human resources and also one of the key drivers of the economy for Malaysia to become a high-income nation. TVET system is designed to help students become successful workers with the purpose of fulfilling the manpower demands of the industries by providing needed skills required at the workplace [1]. The establishment of TVET institutions was not limited to vocational schools only. Other TVET institutions such as the Industrial Training Institutes (ITI), Polytechnics, MARA Vocational Institutes (IKM), National Youth Development Corporation (NYDC) and the center for Instructor and Advanced Skill Training (CIAST) have been expanded to provide technical and vocational education and skills training [2]. The number of workers required for the nation is to increase and therefore it is very important for the future workforce to have the employability skills required by all industries [3]. Graduates should have skills that can fulfil the needs of industries in line with the rapid growth of technology. Some general observations on graduates who do not meet the needs of the industries have been documented by various researchers. A report from the Malaysian Employers Federation (2011) said that Malaysian graduates do not fulfil the criteria of good potential workers [4]. According to World Development Report (2007), education for human capital development in higher education learning in Malaysia needs transitions by expanding opportunities to smooth the transition from education to work. It should also focus on increasing the quality not just quantity of education and at the same time providing young people with a platform for civic engagement [5]. Engineering profession has been experiencing important changes to become more efficient in thinking and problem-solving. More specifically, they demand engineers to resolve problems quickly to consider open ended problems, as well as to cope well with uncertainty and information overload.