1. Introduction
The objective of this study is to investigate convergence properties of the sequence generated by the following instance of the standard fixed point algorithm: \begin{equation*} \pmb{x}_{n+1}=T(\pmb{x}_{n}), \tag{1} \end{equation*} where is an arbitrary initial point; denotes the set of nonnegative vectors of dimension ; and : is a standard interference mapping as defined in [1] or a ( -)contractive mapping as defined in [2], or both. Previous studies [1], [2] have shown that, if is a standard interference mapping with or a contractive mapping, then Fix is a singleton, and the sequence generated by (1) converges to the fixed point Fix . The algorithm in (1) plays a pivotal role in many power and resource allocation mechanisms in wireless networks [1]–[14], so establishing its convergence rate is a problem of significant practical importance [2], [5], [6], [8].