I. Introduction
Research in developing human-computer interaction tools has attracted a lot of attention among scientists and engineers in recent years. One important aspect of human-computer interaction is to make computers able to understand human's emotion through voice (or facial expressions), so that different actions can follow. Substantial advances have been achieved for different voice recognition applications to date. People can now use their voice to provide commands to cars, cellphones, computers, TVs, and many others devices. However, understanding emotions from voice is still a challenge. Success in this area is expected to provide a better quality of experience for the user. Several research efforts have been put in developing emotion based systems. In [1], for example, the authors investigated an application of speech emotion recognition for avoiding traffic accidents. The work performed in [2], on the other hand, proposed a machine learning algorithm linked to voice messaging systems to give priority action depending on the relationship between energy, speaking rate, and pitch parameters as a representation of the emotion status. As an example, when energy is high and speech rate is low, then priority is classified as urgent, and so on.