A cooperative cognitive radio for satellite networks is considered, in which the primary network is a satellite network and the secondary network is a cellular network. D...Show MoreMetadata
A cooperative cognitive radio for satellite networks is considered, in which the primary network is a satellite network and the secondary network is a cellular network. Due to the lack of multipath in a satellite environment, the channel matrices of the satellite network are assumed to be rank-deficient, which implies that the capacity cannot be increased in proportion to the number of antennas. To overcome the rank deficiency, we propose a novel cooperative transmission strategy where the base station or mobile users in the cellular network both help the communication of the satellite network and transmit and receive their own streams. Not only does the secondary network carefully adjust the number of transmitted streams to avoid causing interference to the primary network beyond a certain threshold; it also provides alternative signal paths for the primary network, thereby effectively increasing the channel ranks of the primary network. We obtain both the achievable sum degrees of freedom (DoFs) and the sum rate under the proposed scheme, and we also derive upper bounds on the sum DoF. Using the analytical and numerical analysis, we show that our scheme significantly improves the overall system throughput compared with the satellite network alone, without cognitive access.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Communications ( Volume: 66, Issue: 11, November 2018)
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