I. Introduction
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are aircraft with no aviator on board. UAV autonomy varies from partial to complete, which begins from the human operator based partial remote control to fully autonomous control by onboard computers. Autonomy enables UAVs to perform some tasks very well where human involvement would be dangerous, or too tedious. Besides, they are light in weight, fuel efficient and their maintenance is easier than their manned counterparts. Therefore, UAVs are becoming popular day by day with enormous applicability in both military and civil sectors. In relation to the wing types, UAVs are usually classified into three subdivisions, and they are namely: 1) fixed wing, 2) rotary wing, and 3) flapping wing. The rotary wing UAVs (RUAVs) can be further classified by the number of rotors like a helicopter, quadcopter, hexacopter, octocopter, etc. Among various RUAVs, the most commonly used is the quadcopter [1]–[3] since hexacopter and octocopters are comparatively expensive and cumbersome.