I. Introduction
Driven by the ever-increasing data-rate requirements, wireless communication enters the millimeter-wave (mm-wave) era. The unlicensed wideband spectrum around 60 GHz allows a wide range of emerging consumer products. In the past, to deal with the relatively high path loss at 60-GHz band (e.g., for 5-m link, the path loss is about 82 dB), a discrete high-gain antenna such as horn antenna is used to compensate the low output power of the power amplifier, with the penalty of high cost and large size [1]. Nowadays, with advanced CMOS process, several mm-wave transceivers with the integrated phased array antenna have been reported [2]–[7]. With this approach, beam scanning capability and high-gain performance can be achieved simultaneously, satisfying the link budget requirements of the 60-GHz line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight communication scenarios.