I. Introduction
Three-Phase two-level voltage source converters (VSCs) have been dominating in dc–ac and ac–dc power conversion applications. For high-current applications, paralleling several VSCs is a common practice in industry [1]–[4]. In addition, reliability can be enhanced. By further interleaving the paralleled converters, multilevel output can be obtained, and therefore substantial reductions in the dc-link capacitance and line filter size reduction become possible [5]–[7]. Nevertheless, excessive circulating current could be generated in this case, which can be classified as DMCC and ZSCC. The circulating current can cause unbalanced current sharing and induce excessive losses. To constrain circulating current to an acceptable range, passive approaches are indispensable. The two most popular passive approaches are CI and the combination of DMI and CMI. Two system architectures can be realized, namely coupled architecture [5], [6], [8]–[11] and modular architecture [7], [12] –[15], as shown in Fig. 1. Based on the application requirements, either architecture can be selected.
Two architectures of interleaved converters. (a) Coupled architecture. (b) Modular architecture.