I. Introduction
The two main components which influence the load flow in the power systems are real power and reactive power. Generally in a transmission line the powers flow from the generating station to the consumer load, in which power losses occur. Power flow studies in a transmission line is used to obtain various line data like line voltage, real power and reactive power. To ensure reliable power supply in the system, the location of the fault should be anticipated in the early stage and the status of the circuit breakers and the relays are to be acquired using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA). The location of UPFC in a transmission line plays a very important role as the optimal injection of reactive power at the right spot enhances the efficiency of the transmission. In this regard, the optimization technique is so designed to calculate the Line Stability Index to find the pregnable bus which will be highly useful in deciding the location of the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) for compensating the injection of reactive power.