I. Introduction
Microwave power transmission (MPT) has received much attention in recent decades. As a special way to transfer energy over long distances, MPT can deliver energy for mobile platforms and to some areas where it is difficult or impossible for people to reach [1]– [3]. In the design of MPT system, efficiency is one of the most important indexes. Many methods have been studied to improve the efficiency of MPT. The aperture distribution of the transmitting antenna is optimized to improve the ratio of power irradiated on the receiving aperture [4], [5]. Besides, flat beampattern in the near field is designed to improve the total microwave–dc efficiency of rectenna array [6]. The study on improving the maximum conversion efficiency of rectenna unit has been done for a long time [7], [8]. However, the methods used to improve MPT efficiency are only concerned with one aspect of MPT and are not comprehensive enough.