1. Introduction
Transmission lines with faults should be isolated promptly and accurately to prevent severe loss of facilities in the power system. Circuit breakers for such isolation are controlled by estimating the fundamental frequency phasors of power system currents in protective relays. Thus, promptness of the control is directly linked to the phasor estimation speed, which can be evaluated by the number of samples used for the phasor estimation. A decaying dc component as well as harmonics arises in the power system current during a transmission line fault [1]. Its time constant is determined by a fault resistance and parameters of a transmission line. The time constant is typically 0.5 to 5 cycles [1]. The accuracy of the phasor estimation is mainly dependent on reduction of the estimation errors due to the decaying dc component and harmonics. Thus, it is necessary to considered both the decaying dc component and harmonics in the phasor estimation.