I. Introduction
One of the biggest trends in space technology is miniaturization. Currently, 762 nanosatellites have been launched [1], accounting for nearly 10% of all spacecraft ever launched. Part of their success has been due to the CubeSat standard which 699 out of those 762 nanosatellites abide by. Technology in the field of miniaturization is rapidly advancing, thus increasing the capabilities of CubeSats. The main constraint on CubeSats, however, has been the restricted propulsive capabilities, which limit the breadth of missions that these satellites may carry out; furthermore, the CubeSat standard aims for simplicity and cost reduction, which sometimes comes in conflict with the versatility required for scientific or exploration missions. However, CubeSats have proven to be robust platforms, and thus, presently, a wide range of bold missions with dedicated hardware and capabilities are being proposed; Lunar IceCube [2] and Lunar Flashlight [3] are examples of lunar exploration missions, focused on the search for water ice and volatiles with dedicated scientific payloads, such as BIRCHES [4]. AstroCube and MarCO [5] are examples of deep space exploration beyond cis-lunar space; many of these mission scenarios have been unlocked through the use of on-board miniaturized propulsion systems. However, all of the aforementioned missions are “piggybacking” on a larger spacecraft for the bulk of the transfer.