I. Engineering Education as a Basis for Science and Production Development
Breakthroughs in science and technology have resulted in changed conditions of the labor market and determined important requirements for its intellectual and information capacity and productivity increase. Innovation development and modernization of the economy are ensured at this stage, among other things, by the presence of highly-qualified labor force and conditions for its effective reproduction. The personnel potential is improved in a stably operating economic system, with a system of adequate remuneration of labor, mechanisms for fair distribution and redistributions of incomes, social guarantees, professional training and retraining of workers. The essence of the system of human resource management in a organization is demonstrated via such functions as: formation of quantitative and qualitative composition of human resources, determination of demand for cadres given the development plans of the organization, formation of human resource policies of the organization, as well as development of professional human resource training, adaptation of employees in the organization to new labor conditions, payment and stimulation of labor, assessment of activity, attestation of cadres, etc.