1. Introduction
Person re-identification (re-id) is defined as the task of matching two pedestrian images crossing non-overlapping camera views [11]. It plays an important role in a number of applications in video surveillance, including multi-camera tracking [2], [41], crowd counting [3], [10], and multi-camera activity analysis [54], [53]. Person re-id is extremely challenging and remains unsolved for a number of reasons. First, in different camera views, one person's appearance often changes dramatically caused by the variances in body pose, camera viewpoints, occlusion and illumination conditions. Second, in a public space, many people often wear very similar clothes (e.g., dark coats in winter). The differences that can be used to tell them apart are often subtle, which could be the global, e.g., one person is bulkier than the other, or local, e.g., the two people wear different shoes.