I. Introduction
The increase in the activities of the press services of scientific institutions in the Russian Federation is inseparably linked with the beginning of extensive reforms in the Russian science in 2013, which led to changes in the existing legislation in the field of basic and applied research
Federal Law No. 253-FZ of September 27, 2013 ‘On the Russian Academy of Sciences, reorganisation of state academies of sciences and on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation’, the website of the electronic version of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, September 30, 2013, http://www.rg.ru/2013/09/27/ran-site-dok.html
. It was then, in the wake of the discussion of upcoming draft laws, public speeches of authoritative scientistsThe article ‘We cannot turn into a country that has only a pipe’ dated 01.07.2013, an interview of academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zhores Alferov, electronic edition of JSC “Gazeta.Ru” https://www.gazeta.ru/science/2013/07/01_a_5401901.shtml
and the publication of a large body of information and analytical materials in the media, the society once again paid attention to the science as a whole. The responsibility of the work of the services responsible in the scientific institutions for interaction with the mass media market increased respectively. First of all, it concerned the research institutes included in the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), and later in the structure of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (FAO). How has the essence of the work of the press secretary of the Russian scientific institution changed since then? What conditions and actions were required to resolve pressing problems and establish a successful working process? The questions raised were studied by the staff of a number of Russian academic institutions. The main theses of this research are given in the article ‘Successful press service for science: conditions and methods’.