I. Introduction
Safe and Secure Communication network provided by Quantum Key Distribution is needed by humans in various fields like defense, development, science, telecommunication etc. New Technologies in Cryptography was invented and broken and further new technologies are invented for the cause. Quantum Key Distribution is based on the laws of Quantum Mechanics and is the most significant technology in Cryptography [2] [3]. Today Quantum Cryptography is commercial available across 300 km and is also available for Domestic purposes and is considered to be most secure. The security of Quantum Cryptography has been proved, but the physical implementation of it has been a problem for many scientists across the globe. Different kinds of eavesdropping methods have been introduced till date each having their own characteristics and limitations [4]–[6]. We implemented an attack in the QKD assuming that the software credentials and the hardware are known to the Attacker. In this paper, we proposed the Perfect Eavesdropping Attack under normal conditions where the Secret key is shared between the Source “Alice” and the Destination “Bob” [1] over a 30m long connected cable. The communication was started from the source end and after some time the Eavesdropper was able to obtain the same Secret Key as received by “Bob” the receiver. This key was achieved as Eve was able to change the probability of Bob receiving the signal so the Quantum Laws were not disturbed and thus the Attacker was undetected.