1 Introduction
With the development of cloud computing, server provides huge storage space and powerful computing capacity. For users and enterprises, server not only stores a variety of text files, but also stores a variety of multimedia files (images, voices and videos). Cloud service provides us with convenience, but server is not always credible. When malicious users access to server, data on server may expose privacy of users and enterprises [1], [2], such as sex of user, hobbies, home address and workplace, looks, salary, and so on. Privacy and security of cloud computing have become research hotspots. To preserve privacy and insure security for cloud computing, one of the best opinions is to encrypt data. Then, the encrypted data is uploaded to server by users. All operations of server are performed on encrypted data. Server can perform computing on encrypted data without decryption [3], [4]. Fu et al. proposed a content-aware search scheme which can make semantic search more smart. Their scheme uses conceptual graphs as a knowledge representation to substitute traditional keywords and solve the problem of privacy-preserving smart semantic search over encrypted outsourced data [5]. Many schemes support privacy-preserving keyword search [6], [7], [8] on text data. Server does not know contents of queries and the returned results on queries. Privacy of users and users’ query is protected.