I. Introduction
The advances in information and communications technologies over the past decade have enabled seamless connectivity among several entities and electronic devices. In order to keep up with this progress and enhance the consumer experience, service providers have started to introduce next-generation data-intensive applications. At the same time, a massive increase in the global subscription of wireless services, such as broadband, cellular, television, and navigation, is under way. Overall, there is an ever-increasing demand for uninterrupted ubiquitous connectivity and higher data rates. It has been predicted that by 2019, the global wireless data traffic will see a tenfold increase compared to the traffic in 2014 [1]. This exceptional growth has motivated the development of next generation wireless technologies, such as femtocells [2], [3], exploitation of millimeter wave spectrum [4], multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems [5], [6], and dynamic spectrum sharing using cognitive radio (CR) [7]–[9].