I. Introduction
Chemical ontology is a media to describe the domain knowledge with common and community acceptable vocabulary. In the ontology the meaning of the terms and the relations between them are defined with different levels of formality [1]. The ontologies aim at capturing domain knowledge in a generic way and provide a commonly agreed upon understanding of the domain which may be reused and shared across applications and groups. In recent years, the importance of building chemical ontology has been felt in the context of evolving Web-based chemistry [2]. The main purpose of building ontologies is to generate intelligent inferences through the ontological definitions. In the domain of chemistry the use of ontologies gains scope in the context of developing intelligent information systems. Reports reveal that only a few domain-specific chemical ontologies are developed so far [3]–[5]. This may be attributed to the fact that the description of chemical knowledge is difficult because of the fuzziness involved in it, and building a chemical ontology requires considerable effort.