I. Introduction
Surface soil moisture retrievals using radar observations have been challenging in the past due to the complicating factors of surface roughness and vegetation. Vegetation changes may alter measured normalized backscattering coefficients ( by 5–10 dB (soybean and corn, see [1, Fig. 5]), a variability larger than the dynamic range of associated with soil moisture changes even at the L-band. In general, surface roughness (in terms of rms height) has a greater influence on as well than that of soil moisture (see [2, Figs. 5 and 6], [3, Fig. 4]). The correlation length of surface roughness also should be accounted for, although its contribution to ° is less significant than the rms height and vegetation effects. Despite these challenges, the radar-based retrievals are important mainly because of the high spatial resolution offered by synthetic aperture radars (SARs).