I. Introduction
Now days, capturing images through smart phones or digital cameras is very common activity. Even if there had been a lot of advancement in the cameras' quality in the recent years, but still the images taken by them in underwater medium or dim light conditions are subject to low exposure problem. The dynamic range of the smart phone cameras and digital cameras is limited, so the images taken in scenes with high dynamic range are often subject to underexposure artefacts problems in the shadow regions. The image taken in low or insufficient illumination/exposure environment such as at nights without use of the flash lights or in underwater conditions where the intensity of the light decreases exponentially, the images suffers from low contrast problems [1]. Moreover, the non ideal camera settings of aperture and shutter speed often results in low exposure problem in the images captured in low light environment [2]. These images have low visibility, have low contrast and the finer details in them are often lost. So, the valuable information from these images is often lost for further processing. Therefore, processing of these images is needed to improve their quality and to retrieve the information of the interest. For this, image enhancement techniques are needed. Image enhancement improves the fine details present in the image and makes their visual quality better [3].