I. Introduction
The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) methodology has been enhanced in the form of Mimo Enhanced Linear Short SAR (MELISSA) [1] from the previous Linear Synthetic Aperture Radar System (LISA) [3] being used by the JRC of the European Union for landslide monitoring in Italy. MELISSA is a disaster monitoring system that uses the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technique to transmit and receive its waveforms, with a linear array of 12 transmitting horn antennas and another linear array of 12 receiving Vivaldi antennas. This system has been proposed in [1] and claims to have a lower cost and higher performance in terms of LISA. A different antenna array geometry for the 12 transmitting antennas has been proposed and validated using simulations and mathematical calculations in our previous work [2]. It has been observed that placing the 12 transmitting horn antennas in a planar configuration instead of the linear configuration would result in an increase in the Half Power Beam Width (HPBW) to 113.51 degrees and consecutively, an increase in the area of coverage [2]. It has also been proven that the Peak Side Lobe Ratio (PSLR), is least for the planar array configuration, as when compared to the other planar configurations of 3 and Style [2]. This further validates the usage of the planar array configuration.