I. Introduction
In recent years with springing of the internet, large amount of information is available on the web, however it is difficult to handle all the information and that results into information overload, To overcome the problem of information overloading recommendation system was introduced. The main aim of the recommendation system is to recommend the most suitable items to the user. Now a days, users rely on recommendations from other people by spoken words, reference letters, news reports from news media, general surveys, travel guides and such others. Therefore recommendation system plays an important role in finding the best items. A recommendation system filtered the data through data analysis techniques which is useful to recommend the suitable items to the user. Recommendation systems work from a specific type of information filtering system technique that attempts to recommend information items (movies, TV program/show/episode, music, books, news, images, web pages, scientific literature etc.) or social elements (e.g. people, events or groups) that are likely to be of interest to the user [1]. The recommendation system also compares the user profiles and seeks to predict the ratings. With the help of Recommendation systems, filtering and sorting data can be easily done. Moreover the Recommendation system use opinions about the community of users and to determine content of interest using certain rules extractions. Recommendation systems are classified into 3 approaches which are collaborative, content-based or knowledge-based method to have a better recommendation.