I. Introduction
Nowadays networked control systems (NCS) have caught more and more attention [1] . In such systems, feedback information is transmitted through digital communication networks, which break the perfect feedback condition due to many issues, such as quantization error, network delay and dropouts. The loss of perfect feedback information can degrade the performance of control systems and even destabilize them. To quantitatively analyze such issues is one active research area [1], [2]. Among these issues, this technical note is mainly concerned with quantization error and network delay. Quantization error results from the digital nature of feedback communication networks which quantize all feedback signals into a finite number of bits before transmission. Although a higher bandwidth of the feedback network, denoted as (bits per unit time), yields smaller quantization error, it occupies more network resources. So a balance regarding is necessary. Here we are interested in finding the minimum to guarantee the stability of the concerned system. This minimum question is well studied and often referred to as the data rate theorem question [2]. Before reviewing the related literature, we describe the main quantization procedure in Fig. 1.
A typical architecture of a quantized continuous-time linear system.