1 Introduction
According to FCC [1], a large portion of priced frequency spectrum is underutilized in most of time and location, i.e., known as spectrum holes. However, there still exists spectrum scarcity problem due to the increasing spectrum demand for the operations in unlicensed bands. In order to address the problem, conventional approaches with static spectrum management are suggested to be adjusted. Cognitive radio (CR) [2] is an emerging technique exploited for dynamic spectrum access (DSA) such that CR users are capable of opportunistically accessing the unused spectrum in licensed bands. As a result, not only the spectrum scarcity problem over unlicensed bands can be alleviated, but also the spectrum efficiency over licensed bands can be significantly improved [3]. The IEEE 802.22 [4] is a standard that allocates TV broadcast spectrum on a license-exempt basis, which is considered a realization of CR concept. In order to prevent primary users (PUs) from being interfered in licensed bands, CR users are required to perform spectrum sensing before opportunistic spectrum access.