I. Introduction
In the field of medical image processing the improvement of segmentation methods to accelerate image understanding is an important progress. The objective of segmentation is to make simpler and/or alteration of the presentation of an image into something that is more significant & simpler to examine. Identification of the shapes, location, intensity & other properties in medical images needs expertise because of the growing data availability & feature complexity [1]. Reliable measurement of these adjustments can be accomplished by utilizing image segmentation. A number of investigators have created techniques to automate such measurements by segmentation. Then again, some of these techniques do not exploit the multispectral information of the MRI signal. As Fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering is an unsupervised method, it has been effectively employed to feature analysis, clustering, & classifier designs in fields, for example, astronomy, geology, medical imaging, target recognition, & image segmentation [2], [3]. An image can be presented in different feature spaces, & the FCM algorithm classifies the image by grouping similar data points in the feature space into clusters. This clustering is accomplished by iteratively minimizing a cost function that is reliant on the distance of the pixels to the cluster centers in the feature domain [4].