I. Introduction
The advancement of imaging and analysis technique with non-invasive approach makes it possible to detect and classify various skin diseases with minimal human intervention. Dermatoscopy or dermoscopy is a non-invasive micromorphological method which gives a more detailed view of skin lesions. Dermoscopy is a widely accepted diagnostic technique used by dermatologists for early diagnosis of melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. Once the onset of the disease is detected at an early stage (invisible to naked eye), effective treatment can be initiated long before the signs and symptoms of disease cause overt suffering. In the early diagnosis of malignant melanoma, dermoscopic images have great potential, but their interpretation is time consuming and subjective, even for expert dermatologists. So, in many cases quantitative information in the form of measurements and counts extracted from the dermoscopic images, are needed to supplement non-image patient data. Quantification of the results of the biomedical image analysis not only increases diagnostic accuracy but also provides significant information not obtainable from qualitative analysis alone.