I. Introduction
In the data-intensive science fields, a large amount of eScience data is produced. Currently, eScience is used as a broad concept to include ‘the application of computer technology to perform modern scientific research’ and includes all applications for access to all materials produced through research preparation, experimentation, data collection, dissemination, long-term storage and scientific process. Especially, all materials produced include the modeling and analysis data, electronic/digitized laboratory notebooks, raw data sets and fitted data sets, manuscript production, draft version, pre-prints, print and electronic publications are encompassed by the term eScience. The outline for those materials was drawn from many considerations for preservations and access to the results of scientific research jointly invested by the White House and the Science and Technology Policy Bureau in February 2013. By doing so, although it is not for all the results of previously performed eScience, the demands for preservation and access to some materials were established. The main problems that need to be addressed in the eResearch field are regarding multidisciplinary areas. Therefore, the key characteristics required for successful eResearch include: 1) requiring the cooperation, 2) using grid-computing technology and 3) utilizing data as a central research tool. The concepts of eScience and eResearch express the phenomena of fusion and complex research projects and promote multidisciplinary research. On the other hand, as the study environment advances with the development of scientific technology and various fusion and complex researches have proliferated, it is imperative to establish the environment for preservation of the data produced in large quantities and reuse of data. Selecting valuable data and managing them systematically are becoming very important as a data-centric research paradigm appears. However, data of researchers are not used effectively and they become useless after it was stored in a personal storage such as PC, CD, or USB. For these reason, data center and data librarians' roles are important. In this study, the latest trends of the interest groups are investigated regarding data management and reuse and the roles of libraries and data librarians are studied in the field of data center and information science.