Optical fiber sensing has been studied extensively over the past 30 years due to its outstanding advantages: small
dimension, light weight, electromagnetic immunity, embedability, and so on
[3]. Displacement is a basic and important physical parameter. Many other kinds
of parameters can be detected by converting them to the displacement, such as temperature or pressure
[4]. Displacement can be measured by different optical methods, including
time-of-flight distant measurement method, optical triangulation method, interferometry method, photoelectromotive
force, etc.
[5]. The precision of displacement sensing is limited by
$2\pi$ ambiguities. Low-coherence interferometry, which is also
known as white light interferometry, is an effective non-contact and non-destructive method in measuring
Fabry–Pérot (F-P) cavity length
[6]. The
$2\pi$ ambiguities can be overcome by low-coherence
interferometry method. In spatial scanning low-coherence interferometry, the displacement or position can be measured
by using the optical wedge to realize the scanning of optical path difference (OPD) with no mechanical movement
[7]. Thus, this configuration is more stable and reliable in harsh
applications. The position determination precision of spatial scanning low-coherence interferometry can be improved by
a curve fitting algorithm, such as the centroid algorithm, quadratic polynomial fitting, envelop method, and so on
[14]. However, the precision is still constrained by such adverse effects as
fringe ripples due to the reflections in the optical path, fluctuation of the laser power, imperfection of optical
wedge, and non-ideal reflection mirror of F-P cavity. These adverse effects can distort the fringes and make a precise
position determination difficult. One of the solutions to solve these problems is to narrow down the full width half
maximum (FWHM) of peaks in low-coherence interference fringe, making the position of fringe more obvious to be located.
Increasing the spectral width of light source will be helpful, however, that method will require the spectral windows
of all the optical components are wide enough, which is difficult to be satisfied. Recently, the FWHM of resonance peak
was narrowed significantly in the Whisper-Gallery-Mode resonator
[16] by a modulated signal in frequency domain, which made this scheme
approaching feasible.
In this paper, we proposed an ultraprecise displacement measurement method by locating the low-coherence
interference fringe precisely from a created amplitude ratio curve. The peaks of amplitude ratio curve have a
one-to-one correspondence with the extremes of the low-coherence interference fringe but are much sharper to identify.
The amplitude ratio curve is created from spatially modulated low-coherence interference fringes and only sensitive to
the length of F-P cavity. To modulate the low-coherence interference fringe, modulated voltage is imposed on
Strontium-Barium Niobate (SBN) birefringence wedge. The precision of peak positions determination can be improved
further by inverse proportional curve fitting. Based on our numerical simulation, the precision of position
determination can be enhanced to 5 nm from 0.16
$\mu\text{m}$ in conventional while light interferometry. The
impacts of the modulated voltage amplitude and the signal-to-noise ratio will be analyzed in this paper.
The scheme diagram of the spatially modulated low-coherence interferometer is similar to the configuration
demonstrated by Dändliker et al. in 1992
[7], as shown in
Fig. 1(a). The displacement or the position can be measured by scanning
OPD with optical wedge. Mechanical movement is avoided in our scheme, making the system more stable, compact, and
simple. A broad band light from a light-emitting diode (LED) is injected into a 2
$\times$ 2 coupler. An LED is a cheaper laser source comparing
with the super luminescent diode. The fiber is commercial multimode fiber, whose core/cladding diameter is 62.5/125
$\mu\text{m}$. The coupler is a fiber beam splitter with
50% splitting ratio. The sensing unit in our scheme is an F-P cavity, as shown in
Fig. 1(b), which consists of a silicon membrane and a glass substrate.
Light sent to the optical fiber F-P sensor will be either reflected by the interface between the glass and air or
reflected by the interface between air and silicon. The second output of coupler is terminated to ensure that any
reflection from the end of that fiber is not reflected to the readout. The reflection of interfaces in the F-P cavity
is about 2%, which can be adjusted by coating suitable film. The reflected signal of the F-P cavity can be
approximately seen as two-beam interference. The light is reflected back to the coupler and sent to the demodulation
module, which composes a cylindrical lens, a polarizer, a birefringent optical wedge, and an analyzer. The light output
from fiber is focused by the cylindrical lens to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The OPD between ordinary light and
extraordinary light can be converted into a spatial distribution by the birefringent effect of the wedge. Low-coherence
interference fringe is generated when the OPD caused by the F-P cavity is compensated or equalized with the OPD caused
by the thickness of the birefringent wedge. In our scheme, the optical axis directions of polarizer and the analyzer
are parallel with each other. The optical axis direction of the optical wedge is vertical. The angle between optical
axis direction of birefringent optical wedge and the axis of polarizer (analyzer) is
$\pi/4$. The intensities of ordinary and extraordinary light are
almost the same, and the low-coherent interference fringe can achieve the highest resolution. Finally, the interference
fringe is projected onto a linear charge-coupled device (CCD), and is further processed in computer. The changing of
F-P cavity length, which is the displacement to be measured, can be obtained by the movement of low-coherence
interference fringe on CCD.
Besides length or displacement, other parameters which can be converted to displacement also can be measured by this
method. For example, if an external pressure is imposed on the silicon membrane in
Fig. 1(b), the position of silicon membrane and the cavity length will be
affected by external pressure. As a result, this scheme can also be used as a pressure sensor. The response of the F-P
cavity length can quickly satisfy the demand of high speed sensing.
To modulate the low-coherence interference fringe, the birefringence wedge is made of SBN crystal
[19], which has birefringent Pockels effects. The refractive index and the OPD
between ordinary and extraordinary light in SBN wedge can be modulated by a voltage, which obeys
\begin{align*}\Delta \left(\frac{1}{n^{2}}\right)_{ij} =& \sum_{k}
r_{ijk}{V_{k}}\tag{1}\\ \text{OPD} =& ({n_{31}}-{n_{33}}) \cdot
L\tag{2}\end{align*}View Source
\begin{align*}\Delta \left(\frac{1}{n^{2}}\right)_{ij} =& \sum_{k}
r_{ijk}{V_{k}}\tag{1}\\ \text{OPD} =& ({n_{31}}-{n_{33}}) \cdot
$n$ is the refractive index of SBN,
$r_{ijk}$ is the linear electro-optic coefficient tensor,
$V_{k}$ is the voltage, and
$L$ is optical path in the wedge. When the voltage is 0, the
power distribution of low-coherence interference fringe on CCD camera is expressed by
\begin{equation*}P(x)=\gamma \exp \left\{\left[-\alpha (x-{x_{0}})\right]^{2}\right\}\cos
\left[\beta (x-{x_{0}})\right]\tag{3}\end{equation*}View Source
\begin{equation*}P(x)=\gamma \exp \left\{\left[-\alpha (x-{x_{0}})\right]^{2}\right\}\cos
\left[\beta (x-{x_{0}})\right]\tag{3}\end{equation*}where
$\alpha, \beta, \mbox{and}\ \gamma$ are the parameters related
to the optical path,
$x$ is the position on CCD, and
$x_{0}$ is the center position of low-coherence interference
fringe on CCD where the OPD between ordinary and extraordinary light in optical wedge equals to two times of the length
of F-P cavity
[20]. When using a modulated voltage
$V=A \cdot \sin (2\pi\ ft)$ with amplitude
$A$ and frequency
$f$, the center position of the low-coherence interference
fringe will move from
$x_{0}$ to
$x_{0}+\Delta x\cdot\sin(2\pi\ ft)$. The low-coherent
interference fringe swings around the center position. The low-coherence interference fringe will be rewritten as
\begin{equation*}P(x,t)=\gamma \exp \left\{\left[-\alpha \left(x-{x_{0}}-\Delta x \cdot
\sin(2 \pi ft)\right)\right]^{2}\right\} \cdot \cos \left[\beta \left(x-{x_{0}}-\Delta x \cdot \sin(2\pi
ft)\right)\right].\tag{4}\end{equation*}View Source
\begin{equation*}P(x,t)=\gamma \exp \left\{\left[-\alpha \left(x-{x_{0}}-\Delta x \cdot
\sin(2 \pi ft)\right)\right]^{2}\right\} \cdot \cos \left[\beta \left(x-{x_{0}}-\Delta x \cdot \sin(2\pi
$P(x, t)$ has a fundamental frequency component
$P(f)$ and a second harmonic frequency component
$P(2f)$, which satisfy
\begin{align*}P(f) &\propto \Delta x \cdot P^{\prime}(x)\tag{5}\\ P(2f)
&\propto \Delta {x^{2}}\cdot P^{\prime\prime}(x).\tag{6}\end{align*}View Source
\begin{align*}P(f) &\propto \Delta x \cdot P^{\prime}(x)\tag{5}\\ P(2f)
&\propto \Delta {x^{2}}\cdot P^{\prime\prime}(x).\tag{6}\end{align*}
$N$ frames of low-coherence interference fringe are sampled in a
period of modulated voltage with equal time interval. The time interval of sampling is
$P(f)$ and
$P(2f)$ can be derived by discrete Fourier transform from the
sampled low-coherence interference fringes.
As an intrinsic feature of all curves with extreme, the function
$P(t)$ mainly contains
$P(2f)$ component in the area around the extreme, while
$P(t)$ is mainly made up by
$P(f)$ in the linear area. The fundamental frequency component
$P(f)$ vanishes from the modulated signal
$P(x,t)$ on CCD camera, while the second order frequency
$P(2f)$ arrives its maximum value on the very point of extreme
of low-coherence interference. Theoretically speaking, on the extreme point of the low-coherence interference fringe,
$P^{\prime}(x)$ is 0, and the amplitude ratio
$P(2f)/P(f)$ should be infinity. The amplitude ratio between
$P(2f)$ and
$P(f)$ is calculated for every pixel on CCD
\begin{equation*}\frac{P(2f)}{P(f)}=\frac{{\Delta {x^{2}}\cdot P^{\prime\prime}(x)}}{{\Delta
x \cdot P^{\prime}(x)}}\propto
\frac{{P^{\prime\prime}(x)}}{{P^{\prime}(x)}}.\tag{7}\end{equation*}View Source
\begin{equation*}\frac{P(2f)}{P(f)}=\frac{{\Delta {x^{2}}\cdot P^{\prime\prime}(x)}}{{\Delta
x \cdot P^{\prime}(x)}}\propto
There is a one-to-one correspondence relationship in position between the peaks of the amplitude ratio curve and the
extremes of low-coherent interference fringe, but the FWHM of the peaks of amplitude ratio curve is much narrower. When
the optical power on the CCD is affected by the factors other than the cavity length, such as the fluctuation of the
LED source power or imperfection in optical wedge, both
$P(2f)$ and
$P(f)$ change in the same way, and the amplitude ratio does not
change. The extremes and the position of low-coherent interference fringe can be located ultra-precisely by the
amplitude ratio curve.
We employ a curve-fitting algorithm to improve the precision of peak position determination. The low-coherence
interference fringe around extreme can be approximated as a parabolic curve by omitting the higher order components in
Taylor expansion. This parabolic curve will shift periodically along the
$x$-axis on CCD accompanying with the modulated voltage, which
can be expressed by
\begin{equation*}P(x,t)=p-q \left(x-\left({x_\mathrm{ext}} + \Delta x \cdot \sin (2\pi
ft)\right)\right)^{2}\tag{8}\end{equation*}View Source
\begin{equation*}P(x,t)=p-q \left(x-\left({x_\mathrm{ext}} + \Delta x \cdot \sin (2\pi
$p$ and
$q$ are parameters related to the shape of low-coherence
interference fringe, and
$x_{\mathrm{ext}}$ is the center position of the selected
extreme without modulated voltage. Based on
(7) and
(8), a pair of inverse proportional curves can be derived around the
selected extreme
\begin{equation*}\frac{{P(2f)}}{{P(f)}}\propto \frac{{\pm \Delta
x}}{{x-{x_\mathrm{ext}}}}\equiv \frac{{\pm
w}}{{x-{x_\mathrm{ext}}}}\tag{9}\end{equation*}View Source
\begin{equation*}\frac{{P(2f)}}{{P(f)}}\propto \frac{{\pm \Delta
x}}{{x-{x_\mathrm{ext}}}}\equiv \frac{{\pm
$w$ is a parameter related to the modulated voltage amplitude
$A$. This parameter determines the peak width. The dimension of
$w$ is length. Every peak of the amplitude ratio curve is made
up by a pair of inverse proportional curves. One of them is on the left of the peak, while the other one is on the
right. In the inverse proportional curve fitting, a pair of “
$w$” (
$w_\mathrm{left}$ and
$w_\mathrm{right}$) can be obtained.
$w=(w_\mathrm{right} + w_\mathrm{left})/2$ is defined to be the
peak width of amplitude ratio curve in the discussion below to make the results more concise. Therefore, the peak width
can be found exactly without complete fitting to the whole curve.
It can be seen from
(9) that, for every peak on amplitude ratio curve, both the peak
position and width can be obtained precisely by Taylor's theorem and curve fitting algorithm. With these precise
positions of extremes, the shift of every extreme on low-coherence interference fringe can be calculated by comparing
with the reference position of fringe. The average extremes shifting and the precise length changing of F-P cavity can
be found out in sequence.
Results and Discussion
To demonstrate the amplitude ratio curve method we proposed, numerical simulation is carried out for a particular
configuration of the spatially modulated low-coherence interferometry. Equations
(9) are applied to our model in MATLAB. In the simulation, the optical
axis of SBN is parallel with the modulated electric field, the thickness of the wedge is 1 mm, the Electro-optic
$r_{13}=47\ \text{pm/V}$,
$r_{33}=235\ \text{pm/V}$
[17], and the length of FP cavity is assumed to be 30
$\mu\text{m}$. The output spectrum of LED source is in Gaussian
shape distribution around
$5\times 10^{14}\ \text{Hz}$. The FWHM of the Gaussian shape is
80 THz. This source can cover the waveband from 550 nm to 650 nm. This waveband is divided into 1000 parts in the
simulation. The power of light source is normalized because the low-coherence interference fringe only related to the
relative electric field power of every frequency component. The fluctuation of the light source will reduce the
precision of the low-coherence interference fringe position determination. The amplitude of modulated voltage is
assumed to be 8 V, five frames of low-coherence interference fringe are sampled in every period of modulated voltage,
and the angle of optical wedge is 2°.
The amplitude ratio of every pixel on CCD is shown in
Fig. 2 by a series of red dots. In our simulation, every dot on this
curve covers 7
$\mu\text{m}$ space on CCD. For a comparison, the original
low-coherence interference fringe without modulated voltage is also plotted on this figure by blue dashed curve. It is
obvious that the extremes of the fringe and the peaks of amplitude ratio curve are a one-to-one correspondence.
Theoretically speaking, the value of amplitude ratio at the extreme position on low-coherence interference fringe
should be infinity. However, limited by the resolution of CCD, the peak values of amplitude ratio curve fall in the
range between 5 and 25, as shown in
Fig. 2(a).
Fig. 2(b), an arbitrary extreme of low-coherence interference fringe (the
extreme around 57.55 mm) in
Fig. 2(a) is selected and zoomed in to show the results in detail. The
space between adjacent dots is reduced from 7
$\mu\text{m}$ to 1
$\mu\text{m}$ in simulation to make the curve smooth. The
extreme position of the low-coherence interference fringes can be extracted precisely from the amplitude ratio curve.
The peak position determination precision is defined as the FWHM of the peak. The FWHM of the amplitude ratio curve is
reduced from 0.3 mm to less than 0.01 mm, which means the precision of extreme position of low-coherence interference
fringe found from amplitude ratio curve can be enhanced for about 30 times. If the peak width of amplitude ratio curve
is about 0.01 mm on CCD, the precision of cavity length determination will be 5 nm correspondingly. This precision will
be 0.16
$\mu\text{m}$ if we calculate from the low-coherence
interference fringe.
Modulated voltages with different amplitudes are imposed on the SBN wedge. The results of amplitude ratio curves are
shown in
Fig. 3. There are two reasons for the problem that the curve in
Fig. 3(a) is discontinuity. On the one hand, limited by the resolution of
CCD camera (every pixel of CCD covers 7
$\mu\text{m}$), the singular points of amplitude ratio curve are
abandoned because the amplitude ratio on the point which
$P^{\prime}(x)$ is zero cannot be detected exactly. On the other
hand, every point on
Fig. 3(a) covers 7
$\mu\text{m}$ on CCD, while every point covers 1
$\mu\text{m}$ in
Fig. 2(b). The curves from the bottom to top correspond to modulated
voltages with amplitude increasing from 2 V to 20 V. As shown in this figure, higher modulated voltage can make the
peak wider on the amplitude ratio curve. The red circles are the original data from the simulation, and the blue lines
are the inverse proportional curve fitting results. By curve fitting, the peak width and position of amplitude ratio
curve can be obtained. The results are shown in
Fig. 3(b) and (c). In
Fig. 3(b), the peak width increases with amplitude of modulated voltage
linearly when the modulated voltage is < 20 V This result is consistent with the results shown in
Fig. 3(a).
Fig. 3(c) shows the relationship between the peak position deviation and
the amplitude of modulated voltage. The peak position obtained with 2 V modulated voltage is assumed to be
“standard position.” The “peak position deviation” shown in
Fig. 3(c) means the deviation between standard position and peak position
obtained from amplitude ratio curve method under a given modulated voltage. The peak position on low-coherence
interference fringe can be found by our scheme for every particular modulated voltage. Compared with the peak width
$(\sim\!\!\mu\text{m})$, the impact of the modulated voltage
amplitude on the peak position (∼nm) should be negligible. However, the curve shown in
Fig. 3(c) accelerated declines with the increasing of modulated voltage
amplitude, which means the deviation will be prominent if the amplitude of modulated voltage is too huge. This
phenomenon is caused by the error of Taylor expansion in deriving
(9). The original curve on low-coherence interference fringe is
assumed to be a parabolic curve, but that assumption is only valid for the region near extreme. With the increasing of
modulated voltage amplitude, the extreme of low-coherence interference fringe will shift far away from the center
position (extreme position without modulated voltage). The higher order terms in Taylor expansion cannot be omitted,
and the amplitude ratio curve will no longer be a perfect inverse proportional curve.
There should be a tradeoff for the amplitude of modulated voltage. If the voltage is too small, the modulation
effect of the modulated voltage on the low-coherence interference fringe will be so weak that the peaks of amplitude
ratio curve are too narrow compared with the volume of pixel on CCD and maybe submerged in the noise. Measuring the
amplitude ratio curve precisely will be a challenge for the resolution of CCD. However, if the amplitude of modulated
voltage is too large, the extreme of low-coherence interference fringe will be severely dragged to the area where
cannot be assumed to be a parabolic curve. The precision of curve fitting will also be reduced. Therefore, the most
suitable modulate voltage amplitude should be in a certain range. Based on the numerical simulation results, this range
is approximately between 1 V and 8 V, which will be tested in experiment in the next stage.
According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem and Eq.
(7), sampling only four frames per period is enough to calculate the
amplitude ratio curve. However, only the fundamental frequency and the second harmonic frequency components are
obtained if four frames are sampled per period and the entire higher frequency information is neglected. Fortunately, a
relative good result can be obtained if five frames are sampled per period according to our numerical investigation,
which means the sensing rate could be as high as 2 kHz, if a high speed CCD camera with reaction time in the order of
$\mu\text{s}$ is employed in practice.
Finally, the impact of signal-to-noise ratio is analyzed by a comparison of the coefficient of variation in
measurement between the amplitude ratio curve method and envelop detection method
[11]. The coefficient of variation is the ratio of the standard deviation
between the actual length and the measured one relative to the actual length induced in the simulation. The length of
F-P cavity is compressed from 30
$\mu\text{m}$ to 25
$\mu\text{m}$ in our simulation. Accordingly, the center
position of low-coherence interference fringe is shifted roughly from the initial position 57.4 mm to 47.7 mm on CCD.
Comparing the amplitude ratio curves under these two cases, the cavity length changing can be obtained from the average
peak shifting. Random noises are superposed on the low-coherence interference fringes, making a precise sensing
difficult. The signal-to-noise ratio of the random noise is set from 10 dB to 30 dB. The noise is mainly caused by the
fluctuation of the LED source power. The SNR can be as high as 30 dB
[7]. Every peak of amplitude ratio curve is fitted by inverse proportional
function. To select a better fitting result, the coefficient of determination is considered in every inverse
proportional fitting process, and the poor fitting results are excluded. The average shifting of the selected extremes
from the initial positions and the F-P cavity length changing can be obtained in sequence. This process is repeated for
100 times under every given signal-to-noise ratio. The standard deviation and the average of cavity length changing can
be obtained. Since the coefficient of variation will go to a certain value with the increasing of time, we believe the
result we calculated from 100 times repetition can represent the coefficient of variation in a long time measurement
unless the SNR is changed.
The red dots in
Fig. 4 are coefficient of variation of the cavity length changing as a
function of signal to noise ratio. In this simulation, the volume of CCD pixel is assumed to be 7
$\mu\text{m}$, and 5 frames are sampled in every period. For a
comparison, results from envelope detection method, which is also repeated for 100 times, are plotted in the same
figure with blue circles. The dashed lines are the linear curve fitting results of the discrete simulated results. It
is obvious that the sensing precision of F-P cavity length is improved for about 30 times by employing the amplitude
ratio curve method, which is inconsistent with the results shown in
Fig. 2.
In summary, a position demodulation algorithm for low-coherence interference fringes with high precision is proposed
based on spatially modulated low-coherence interference fringe. The low-coherence interference fringe is modulated by
Pockels effects. Amplitude ratio curve is created by the organic combination of a series of low-coherence interference
fringes to enhance the precision of fringes position location. To further increase the sensing precision, inverse
proportional curve fitting method is demonstrated both numerically and analytically for calculating the peak position
and width in the amplitude ratio curve. The most suitable modulated voltage amplitude is determined by the requirements
on resolution of CCD camera and the shape of low-coherence interference fringe. The sampling rate of low-coherence
interference fringes can be reduced down to four frames per period, which is helpful in improving the demodulation
speed. The coefficient of variation for cavity length changing under different signal-to-noise ratio is analyzed, and
the numerical investigation result shows that the precision of the length sensing can be enhanced for about 30 times
compared with the envelop method. This algorithm can be extended to the high precision measurement of all parameters if
they can be converted to the displacement.