I. Introduction
The topic of this paper is the construction of controllers for robust output regulation of linear infinite-dimensional systems. The goal in this control problem is to design a control law for a linear system \begin{align*}\dot{x}(t)=&\,Ax(t)+Bu(t)+w(t),\quad x(0)=x_{0}\in X&\tag{1a}\\ y(t)=&\,Cx(t)+Du(t)&\tag{1b}\end{align*}
in such a way that the output converges asymptotically to a given reference signal despite the external disturbance signal . In addition, the controller must tolerate small perturbations and uncertainties in the parameters of the plant (1). The robust output regulation problem was first studied for finite-dimensional systems in the 1970's most notably by Francis and Wonham [6], [7], and Davison [4], and since then the theory of output regulation has been been actively developed for infinite-dimensional systems [2], [9], [11], [21], [22], [24].