A 312GHz antenna array receiver is presented in this paper. The receiver is a double-conversion superheterodyne architecture. The first down-conversion is accomplished by...Show More
A 312GHz antenna array receiver is presented in this paper. The receiver is a double-conversion superheterodyne architecture. The first down-conversion is accomplished by a self-oscillating 3X subharmonic mixer frontend, and the second down-conversion is performed by a Gilbert-cell mixer and an LO. The receiver is co-designed and integrated with a 4-element loop antenna array. By mixing an RF input signal at 312 GHz with the 3rd harmonic of the 96 GHz LO, the first IF of 24 GHz is produced (fIF1=fRF-3fLO1). The second LO is at frequency of 22.3 GHz, and the second IF is 1.7 GHz (fIF2=fIF1-fLO2). The antenna array receiver exhibits a measured conversion loss of 19 dB from 312GHz RF to 1.7GHz IF, and has a -3dB bandwidth of 1.2 GHz. It is implemented in 65nm CMOS. The chip occupies an area of 1.71 mm2 and consumes DC power of 110 mW.
The terahertz frequency range ( THz) is located between the high mm-wave and low infrared spectrum. THz radiation technology has been primarily utilized in advanced imaging in biomedical and scientific fields.
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Yasser Bigdeli, Pascal Burasa, Ke Wu, "Quadrature Harmonic Self-Oscillating Mixer: Toward Large Array Multifunction Receiver Systems", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.72, no.12, pp.7061-7070, 2024.
Bersant Gashi, Dominik Meier, Laurenz John, Benjamin Baumann, Markus Rösch, Axel Tessmann, Arnulf Leuther, Rüdiger Quay, "Broadband 400 GHz On-Chip Antenna With a Metastructured Ground Plane and Dielectric Resonator", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.70, no.10, pp.9025-9038, 2022.
Defu Wang, Mohamed Hussein Eissa, Klaus Schmalz, Thomas Kämpfe, Dietmar Kissinger, "480-GHz Sensor With Subharmonic Mixer and Integrated Transducer in a 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol.30, no.9, pp.908-911, 2020.
Yukun Zhu, Hao Wang, Kai Kang, Omeed Momeni, "A Low Power Sub-harmonic Self-Oscillating Mixer with 16.8dB conversion loss at 310GHz in 65nm CMOS", 2019 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), pp.1-4, 2019.