In this paper, we study the blind equalization problem of time-varying (TV) systems where the channel variations are too rapid to be tracked with conventional adaptive eq...Show MoreMetadata
In this paper, we study the blind equalization problem of time-varying (TV) systems where the channel variations are too rapid to be tracked with conventional adaptive equalizers. We show that using a finite Fourier basis expansion, a TV antenna array system can be cast into a time-invariant multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) framework. The multiple inputs are related through the bases, thereby allowing blind equalization to be accomplished without the use of higher order statistics. Two deterministic blind equalization approaches are presented: one determines the channels first and then the equalizers, whereas the other estimates the equalizers directly. Related issues such as order determination are addressed briefly. The proposed algorithms are illustrated using simulations.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ( Volume: 46, Issue: 11, November 1998)
DOI: 10.1109/78.726813
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