This paper presents an overview of publications on the application of electrically exploded current opening switches, - for the generation of current pulses up to 100 MA with a rise time of in the load of explosive magnetic flux compression generators (EMG). Experiments were mostly conducted at LANL and VNIIEF with foil opening switches (FOS); different EMG designs were used, and the following currents and characteristic rise times were obtained:
in experiments with helical EMGs: currents of 10 MA in and 2–3 MA in -at LANL; currents of 13 MA in , 8.5MA in and 1 MA in - at VNIIEF; the current rise time values of and less were obtained by using two-stage opening switches;
in LANL experiments - with a higher-current and “faster” coaxial EMG - load currents grew to 15, 18 and 29 MA in ; a 50-g condensed-matter liner was driven to a velocity of 6 km/s;
in ∼20 VNIIEF experiments - with highest-current and “fastest” disk EMGs - load currents grew to 10–45 MA in ; an imploding 1-g liner was driven to 20–50 km/s, and a 50-g condensed-matter liner, to 12 km/s; as a result of implosion of a wire liner driven by 10 MA current, 1-MJ soft X-rays were produced.