Historical Background
Algorithmic phase retrieval offers an alternative means for recovering the phase of optical images without requiring sophisticated measuring setups as in holography. These approaches typically rely on some advanced information to facilitate recovery. In 1952, Sayre envisioned, in the context of crystallography, that the phase information of a scattered wave may be recovered if the intensity pattern at and between the Bragg peaks of the diffracted wave is finely measured [1]. In crystallography, the material structure under study is usually periodic (a crystal); hence, the far-field information contains strong peaks reflecting the Fourier transform of the usually periodic information. Measuring the fine features in the Fourier transform enabled the recovery of the phase in some simple cases. In 1978, 26 years later, Fienup developed algorithms for retrieving phases of two-dimensional (2-D) images from their Fourier modulus and constraints such as nonnegativity and a known support of the image [2] (see Figure 1).
A numerical 2-D phase-retrieval example adapted from Fienup's 1978 paper [2]: (a) test object, (b) Fourier magnitude, and (c) reconstruction results [using hybrid input-output (HIO)—see Figure 3(b) for details]. (Images used with permission from [2].)