I. Introduction
In most country's economy, agriculture has been playing a vital role. Agriculture is the basis of livelihood for the population through the production of food and important raw materials. Moreover, agriculture continues to play an important role in providing large scale employment to people. Agricultural growth is considered necessary for development and for a country's transformation from a traditional to a modern economy and especially about India being well known for agricultural work. Agriculture in India is an essential part and India is considered as the land of farming. More than half of the workforce is related to the agriculture and its allied fields. Nowadays almost everything in a world can be controlled and operated automatically, but there are still a few important sectors in our country where automation has not been adopted or not been put to a full-fledged use, perhaps because of several reasons one such reason is cost and the field is agriculture. Almost all the farmers are still depending on the traditional orthodox way of farming. It is being observe that the yield of crops, fruits have not being increasing. Even in some parts it is declining. Automation has been achieved, humans are replaced by machines. Directly speaking, science and technology has proved its importance in those fields. Therefore there is need to grab the fruitfulness of science and technology in the field for higher yield and growth in agriculture. The use of science and technology in the field of agriculture not only reduces the man efforts but also helps in increasing the yield of crops.