I. Introduction
Artificial neural networks and fuzzy rule-based systems are universal estimators, which can estimate any nonlinear function to any prescribed degree of accuracy, given that an adequate number of neurons or rules are used. The combination of these technologies, known as neurofuzzy inference systems [1]–[4], have been shown to possess good prediction ability and interpretability. In [1], an adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) employing a first-order Takagi–Sugeno–Kang (TSK)-type fuzzy inference mechanism has been proposed. It updates the parameters of network using a gradient descent-based approach. A TSK inference mechanism-based dynamic fuzzy neural network has been proposed in [2], which employs a hierarchical online self-organizing learning mechanism to adjust the width of the radial basis function units. In [3], a projection-based correlation measure and an aligned clustering-based approach are used evolve the system architecture, whereas the sequential adaptive neurofuzzy inference system [4] employs the concept of influence of a rule and extended Kalman filter to add and update rules. However, the aforementioned neurofuzzy inference systems are unable to efficiently handle noise or uncertainty in data as they employ type-1 fuzzy sets that are precise in nature.