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Cluster Labeling for the Blogosphere | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore

Cluster Labeling for the Blogosphere


Hierarchical Cluster Labeling helps users to quickly understand and analyze hierarchical clusters. This may be used to enhance search engine results or interactive browsi...Show More


Hierarchical Cluster Labeling helps users to quickly understand and analyze hierarchical clusters. This may be used to enhance search engine results or interactive browsing like it is being used in the Blog Intelligence application. The hierarchical organization of data helps to represent different levels of detail. Hierarchical clustering may be quite common, but there are few good solutions for labeling those clusters. We decided to lay the focus of this work on labeling binary hierarchical clusters. Current approaches focus either on statistical features of the clustered documents or external sources like Wikipedia. We combined those ideas to profit from both advantages and created an algorithm, that can handle clustered documents as well as terms.
Date of Conference: 03-05 December 2014
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 09 February 2015
Electronic ISBN:978-1-4799-6719-3
Conference Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
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I. Introduction

Since every day millions of posts are being published the huge collection of web documents inside the blogosphere is getting bigger and bigger. Clustering this ever-changing collection is a very time consuming task. BlogIntelligence


is providing a smart search engine for the blogosphere, including harvesting, analysis and presenting the results in a very meaningful way.

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