I. Introduction
Regardless of a striking operational life of over 40 years, the existence and applications of internet and cyberinfrastructure still continue to evolve. More than ever before, the internet and wireless communication has affected our lives by opening countless possibilities and opportunities [1]. The recent trend in interdisciplinary research has been to embed everyday objects with computers and communication capabilities [2]. Of late, data transfer and information processing has emerged as a widespread phenomenon, permeating almost every type of object. One such category of communication capable smart devices is intelligent vehicles, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and communication capable roadside infrastructure. These smart vehicles function based on the principles of Vehicle ad hoc Networks (VANET), which is essentially a computer-to-computer network where mobile nodes, i.e. vehicles, behaving as computers, connect directly to each other, rather than to a server or hub. The vehicles themselves form a temporary network, and the participating vehicles also serve as a wireless router, acting over an approximate range of 100–300 meters of each other. As the nodes are mobile, they continuously fall out of the signal range and drop out of a particular network, join in a neighboring network, connecting vehicles to one another thus maintaining a mobile internet [3]. The VANET architecture is also extended to road side infrastructure, known as InfoStations (IS) and Road Side Units (RSU) as depicted in figure 1. As vehicles tend to move in an organized fashion, therefore the interactions with RSU is also characterized fairly accurately. VANETs have succeeded in addressing a number of today's traffic challenges and enable drivers to have better awareness of their driving environment and take timely and evasive actions in response to abnormal situations. VANETs lend a valuable contribution to solve many traffic and road-safety problems and in the recent years, the road transportation system with the help of VANET is being evolved into a safer and efficient establishment [4].