THE permanent-magnet synchronous generator
(PMSG) has been widely applied due to its high power density, flexible magnet topologies, and excellent operation
[3]. Nowadays, it has been employed in various industry applications, such as
wind power generation systems, distribution generation systems, portable generation unit, etc. In order to achieve the
stable operation of PMSG, it is usual to adopt a back-to-back full power rating converter to implement the power
generation from PMSG to the grid or local load.
Considering the stringent requirements on the converter in the large-power PMSG system, the open-winding
configuration offers advantages over the traditional star or delta-connected PMSG. By applying two voltage-source
converters (VSCs) to both ends of the stator windings, the open-winding PMSG system cannot only reduce the dc bus
voltage by half but also achieve a multilevel modulation effect
[6]. Generally, the open-winding systems can employ a common dc bus
[7] or two isolated dc buses
[8]. Compared with the two isolated dc buses, a common dc bus based
open-winding system has a simple structure and an easy implementation for practical applications such as wind power
generation, electric vehicle, etc. However, the common dc bus provides a zero-sequence current circuit for the
open-winding PMSG, and the zero-sequence currents will flow through the stator windings, which will increase the system
losses and decrease the operation efficiency
[11]. Furthermore, because the third back electromotive force (EMF) usually
exists in the phase windings of the PMSG
[12], the zero-sequence current also will produce a six times frequency torque
To suppress the zero-sequence current on the common dc bus, a common mode voltage (CMV) elimination strategy for an
induction motor drive was proposed in
[13]. By combining a certain voltage vector to obtain the same CMV
contribution on both converter sides, zero-sequence voltage (ZSV) for stator windings can be avoided. The works
reported in
[14] and
[15] investigated the zero vector placement technique on the open-winding
induction motor with decoupled space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) and subhexagonal center PWM switching scheme.
It can be found that the zero vector time determines the CMV and zero-sequence current of induction motors. In summary,
the zero-sequence current suppression implementation of the open-winding induction motor is focused on the elimination
of CMV generated by the dual converters.
The rotor flux generated by a permanent magnet always contains the rich harmonic components, especially the third
harmonic component, which usually behaves as the CMV. Therefore, the existing CMV elimination strategy in the
open-winding induction motor is unavailable for the open-winding PMSG to suppress the zero-sequence current. An active
CM compensator was proposed to reduce the third harmonic current in a half-controlled converter-based open-winding PMSG
system in
[16]. Reference
[17] proposed a zero-axis current regulator to suppress the zero-sequence
current for the open-winding PMSG. Both
[16] and
[17] achieved third current component suppression based on the sine-wave PWM.
However, because the third back EMF component and CMV reference will change on different rotation speeds, the effect
mechanism of the active voltage vectors and zero voltage vectors on the CMV is not analyzed. Considering that the
active voltage vector is obtained according to the fundamental frequency voltage reference, the CMV regulation
technique based on the dwell times of zero vectors is the key factor to suppress the zero-sequence current, which is
also analyzed in this paper.
In order to eliminate the zero-sequence current, a circulating current elimination strategy of the open-winding PMSG
system based on zero vector redistribution (ZVR) is proposed in this paper. First, the mathematical model of the
open-winding PMSG with the consideration of third harmonic flux will be developed. Moreover, an overall control diagram
of the open-winding PMSG system is proposed to suppress the zero-sequence current. The effect mechanism of the zero
vectors on the CMV is analyzed, and the ZVR technique is proposed. Furthermore, the linear modulation range of the ZVR
PWM is investigated. Finally, a 1-kW experimental setup is built to validate the availability of the proposed control
method and modulation technique.
Zero-Sequence Circuit Modeling of Open-Winding PMSG
The back EMF of the open-winding PMSG usually contains the third harmonic component, which is different from the
open-winding induction motor. In order to analyze and suppress the zero-sequence current in the open-winding PMSG
system with the common dc bus, the mathematical model of the open-winding PMSG including the zero-axis equation should
be developed.
The phase voltage equations of the open-winding PMSG can be expressed as
\left[\matrix{u_{a}\cr u_{b}\cr u_{c}}\right]={d\over dt}\left[\matrix{\psi_{a}\cr\psi_{b}
\cr i_{b}\cr i_{c}}\right]\eqno{\hbox{(1)}}
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\left[\matrix{u_{a}\cr u_{b}\cr u_{c}}\right]={d\over dt}\left[\matrix{\psi_{a}\cr\psi_{b}
\cr i_{b}\cr i_{c}}\right]\eqno{\hbox{(1)}}where
u is the phase voltage,
R is the phase resistance,
i is the phase current,
{\mit\Psi} is the stator flux, and subscripts
a,b,c represent the component of
a,b,c phase, respectively.
Defining the fundamental and third harmonic component amplitudes of the rotor flux linkage as
{\mit\Psi}_{r} and
{\mit\Psi}_{3r}, the flux equation can be expressed as
&M_{S}&M_{S}\cr M_{S}&L_{S}&M_{S}\cr M_{S}&M_{S}&L_{S}}\right]\left[\matrix{i_{a}\cr i_{b}
\cr i_{c}}\right]\hfill\cr\hfill+\left[\matrix{\psi_{r}\cos\left(\theta_{r}\right)+\psi_{3r}\cos(3\theta_{r})\cr\psi_{r}
\cos(\theta_{r}-{2\over 3}\pi)+\psi_{3r}\cos(3\theta_{r})\cr\psi_{r}\cos\left(\theta_{r}+{2\over 3}\pi\right)+\psi_{3r}
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&M_{S}&M_{S}\cr M_{S}&L_{S}&M_{S}\cr M_{S}&M_{S}&L_{S}}\right]\left[\matrix{i_{a}\cr i_{b}
\cr i_{c}}\right]\hfill\cr\hfill+\left[\matrix{\psi_{r}\cos\left(\theta_{r}\right)+\psi_{3r}\cos(3\theta_{r})\cr\psi_{r}
\cos(\theta_{r}-{2\over 3}\pi)+\psi_{3r}\cos(3\theta_{r})\cr\psi_{r}\cos\left(\theta_{r}+{2\over 3}\pi\right)+\psi_{3r}
L_{S} and
represent the self-inductance and mutual inductance, separately, and
\theta_{r} is the rotor position angle.
When the
d-axis is aligned at the direction of the rotor flux, based on
the transformation matrix from the three-phase stationary
abc coordinate frame to the synchronous rotating
dq0 coordinate frame shown in
(3), the flux linkage in the
dq0 frame can be represented as
\eqalignno{T_{3S\over 3R}\!=&\,{2\over 3}\!\left[\!\!\matrix{\cos(\theta_{r}
)\!\!&\!\!-\!\sin(\theta_{r}\!-\!120^{\circ})\!\!&\!\!-\!\sin(\theta_{r}\!+\!120^{\circ})\cr{1\over 2}
\!\!&\!\!{1\over 2}\!\!&\!\!{1\over 2}}\!\!\right]\qquad&\hbox{(3)}\cr\left[\matrix{\psi_{d}\cr\psi_{q}
\cr\psi_{0}}\right]=&\,T_{3S\over 3R}\left[\matrix{\psi_{a}\cr\psi_{b}\cr\psi_{c}}
\cr i_{q}\cr i_{0}}\right]+\left[\matrix{\psi_{r}\cr 0\cr\psi_{3r}\cos(3\theta_{r})}\right]&\hbox{(4)}}
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\eqalignno{T_{3S\over 3R}\!=&\,{2\over 3}\!\left[\!\!\matrix{\cos(\theta_{r}
)\!\!&\!\!-\!\sin(\theta_{r}\!-\!120^{\circ})\!\!&\!\!-\!\sin(\theta_{r}\!+\!120^{\circ})\cr{1\over 2}
\!\!&\!\!{1\over 2}\!\!&\!\!{1\over 2}}\!\!\right]\qquad&\hbox{(3)}\cr\left[\matrix{\psi_{d}\cr\psi_{q}
\cr\psi_{0}}\right]=&\,T_{3S\over 3R}\left[\matrix{\psi_{a}\cr\psi_{b}\cr\psi_{c}}
\cr i_{q}\cr i_{0}}\right]+\left[\matrix{\psi_{r}\cr 0\cr\psi_{3r}\cos(3\theta_{r})}\right]&\hbox{(4)}}
where the subscripts
q, and 0 represent the components in
dq0 frame, respectively.
Thus, the voltage equation in
dq0 frame can be written as
\left[\matrix{u_{d}\cr u_{q}\cr u_{0}}\right]=\left[\matrix{-\!L_{d}{di_{d}\over dt}-Ri_{d}
+\omega L_{q}i_{q}\cr-\!L_{q}{di_{q}\over dt}-Ri_{q}-\omega L_{d}i_{d}+\omega\psi_{r}\cr-\!L_{0}{di_{0}\over dt}
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\left[\matrix{u_{d}\cr u_{q}\cr u_{0}}\right]=\left[\matrix{-\!L_{d}{di_{d}\over dt}-Ri_{d}
+\omega L_{q}i_{q}\cr-\!L_{q}{di_{q}\over dt}-Ri_{q}-\omega L_{d}i_{d}+\omega\psi_{r}\cr-\!L_{0}{di_{0}\over dt}
The electromagnetic torque can be expressed as
T_{e}={3\over 2}n_{p}\left[L_{q}i_{q}i_{d}+(\psi_{r}-L_{d}i_{d})i_{q}-6\psi_{3r}
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T_{e}={3\over 2}n_{p}\left[L_{q}i_{q}i_{d}+(\psi_{r}-L_{d}i_{d})i_{q}-6\psi_{3r}
It can be seen that, when the zero-sequence current exists in the open-winding PMSG, six time frequency fluctuations
in electromagnetic torque will occur, which is harmful to the steady operation of PMSG and deteriorates the lifetime of
mechanical units. Thus, it is necessary to suppress the zero-sequence current in the open-winding PMSG system.
Suppression Strategy of Zero-Sequence Current
The open-winding PMSG system with common dc bus is shown in
Fig. 1. Two VSCs VSC1 and VSC2 supplied by a common dc bus are connected to
the stator winding. Based on the switch state of the semiconductor device, the instantaneous phase voltage model of the
open-winding PMSG modulated by VSCs can be written as
\cases{u_{a}=S_{a1}U_{\rm dc}-S_{a2}U_{\rm dc}\cr u_{b}=S_{b1}U_{\rm dc}-S_{b2}U_{\rm dc}
\cr u_{c}=S_{c1}U_{\rm dc}-S_{c2}U_{\rm dc}}\eqno{\hbox{(7)}}
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\cases{u_{a}=S_{a1}U_{\rm dc}-S_{a2}U_{\rm dc}\cr u_{b}=S_{b1}U_{\rm dc}-S_{b2}U_{\rm dc}
\cr u_{c}=S_{c1}U_{\rm dc}-S_{c2}U_{\rm dc}}\eqno{\hbox{(7)}}where
S is the switching state of each bridge of the VSC, while
S=1 means that the switch device on the upper bridge arm turns
on, and
S=0 means that the switch device on the lower bridge arm turns
U_{\rm dc} represents the dc-link voltage; subscripts
b, and
c represent the components of
b, and
c phases, respectively; and subscripts 1 and 2 represent the
components of VSC1 and VSC2, respectively.
It can be seen from
(7) that the phase voltage of the open-winding PMSG could be modulated
U_{\rm dc}, 0,
-U_{\rm dc}
with different switch state combinations. Therefore, the open-end-winding configuration
fed by two two-level inverters will still result in a three-level structure when driven by a single bus. In the
two-phase stationary
\alpha\beta 0 coordinate frame, the phase voltage can be
expressed as
\displaylines{\left[\matrix{u_{\alpha}\cr u_{\beta}\cr u_{0}}\right]=\left[\matrix{{2\over 3}
S_{a1}-{1\over 3}S_{b1}-{1\over 3}S_{c1}\cr{\sqrt{3}\over 3}(S_{b1}-S_{c1})\cr{1\over 3}S_{a1}+{1\over 3}S_{b1}
+{1\over 3}S_{c1}}\right]\!U_{\rm dc}\hfill\cr\hfill-\left[\!\matrix{{2\over 3}S_{a2}\!-\!{1\over 3}S_{b2}
\!-\!{1\over 3}S_{c2}\cr{\sqrt{3}\over 3}(S_{b2}\!-\!S_{c2})\cr{1\over 3}S_{a2}\!+{\!1\over 3}S_{b2}\!+\!{1\over 3}
S_{c2}}\!\right]\!U_{\rm dc}.\quad\hbox{(8)}}
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\displaylines{\left[\matrix{u_{\alpha}\cr u_{\beta}\cr u_{0}}\right]=\left[\matrix{{2\over 3}
S_{a1}-{1\over 3}S_{b1}-{1\over 3}S_{c1}\cr{\sqrt{3}\over 3}(S_{b1}-S_{c1})\cr{1\over 3}S_{a1}+{1\over 3}S_{b1}
+{1\over 3}S_{c1}}\right]\!U_{\rm dc}\hfill\cr\hfill-\left[\!\matrix{{2\over 3}S_{a2}\!-\!{1\over 3}S_{b2}
\!-\!{1\over 3}S_{c2}\cr{\sqrt{3}\over 3}(S_{b2}\!-\!S_{c2})\cr{1\over 3}S_{a2}\!+{\!1\over 3}S_{b2}\!+\!{1\over 3}
S_{c2}}\!\right]\!U_{\rm dc}.\quad\hbox{(8)}}Equation
(8) could be rewritten as
u_{\alpha\beta 0}=u_{\alpha\beta0\_1}-u_{\alpha\beta 0\_2}\eqno{\hbox{(9)}}
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u_{\alpha\beta 0}=u_{\alpha\beta0\_1}-u_{\alpha\beta 0\_2}\eqno{\hbox{(9)}}where
u_{\alpha\beta 0} represents the stator voltage vector in
\alpha\beta 0 frame and
u_{\alpha\beta 0-1} and
u_{\alpha\beta 0-2}
are the voltage vectors generated by VSC1 and VSC2, respectively.
In order to clarify the component of each voltage vector in
\alpha\beta 0 3-D frame, according to
(8) and
(9), the voltage space vector modulation perspective of
V_{\alpha\beta 0-1} and
V_{\alpha\beta 0-2} in
\alpha\beta 0 frame is shown in
Fig. 2. The side length of the cube linked by a solid line is
4U_{\rm dc}
/3. Eight yellow points represent eight different space vector locations as the switch
state combination
S_{b}, and
S_{c} is 0 or 1. The projection on the
\alpha\beta plane is the same as the traditional hexagon
structure in conventional vector diagram.
Table I shows the voltage vector distribution, in which the amplitude
value and zero-sequence component of each voltage vector are presented. It can be seen that the zero-sequence component
can be calculated as
(S_{a}+S_{b}+S_{c})U_{\rm dc}/3 and has four statuses shown in
Table I: 1) 0, for
V_{0}(000); 2)
U_{\rm dc}/3, for
V_{3}(010), and
V_{5}(001); 3)
2U_{\rm dc}/3, for
V_{4}(011), and
V_{6}(101); and 4)
U_{\rm dc}, for
(111). Thus, it can be concluded that the ZSV can be modulated by VSC1 and VSC2.
In the zero-sequence circuit of the open-winding PMSG system
[16], ignoring the effect of the voltage drop and dead time on the switch
device, the zero-sequence circulating current is generated mainly due to these two major causes:
the CMV generated by PWM;
the third harmonic component in back EMF.
According to the aforementioned analysis, the zero-sequence equivalent circuit of the open-winding PMSG system could
be obtained as shown in
Fig. 3, in which
u_{0-1} and
u_{0-2} are generated by VSC1 and VSC2, respectively, and
\sin 3\theta is generated by the third back EMF. Thus, in order to suppress the
zero-sequence current, the ZSV reference should be modulated to counteract the third harmonic component in back EMF.
The proposed control scheme of the zero-sequence current suppression for the open-winding PMSG system is shown as
Fig. 4, in which a closed-loop regulator of the zero-sequence current is
designed. The zero-sequence current
i_{0} could be calculated as one third of the sum of
i_{b}, and
. Since the zero-sequence current is mainly a triple frequency ac component, a PR
controller is selected to eliminate the tracking error
[19]. Compared with
[16], using the PR controller, zero-sequence current suppression is easy to
implement. The common mode current regulator proposed in
[16] is comparatively complex, which needs a third harmonic PLL and a PI
regulator. The zero-sequence current reference
is set as 0, and a PR controller with the resonant frequency tuned at the third
fundamental frequency is used as a zero-sequence current regulator to obtain the ZSV reference. According to
(5), a compensation
-3\omega{\mit\Psi}_{3r}\sin 3\theta_{r}
is adopted for the zero-sequence current suppression regulator. Therefore, the ZSV
reference can be calculated as
{\hskip-6pt}u_{0}^{\ast}\!=\!\left(\!k_{P}\!+\!{k_{R}\omega_{c}s\over s^{2}\!+\!2\omega_{c}
s\!+\!\omega_{0}^{2}}\!\right)\!\left(i_{0}^{\ast}\!-\!i_{0}\right)\!-\!3\omega\psi_{3r}\sin 3\theta_{r}
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{\hskip-6pt}u_{0}^{\ast}\!=\!\left(\!k_{P}\!+\!{k_{R}\omega_{c}s\over s^{2}\!+\!2\omega_{c}
s\!+\!\omega_{0}^{2}}\!\right)\!\left(i_{0}^{\ast}\!-\!i_{0}\right)\!-\!3\omega\psi_{3r}\sin 3\theta_{r}
k_{p} and
represent the proportional and resonant gains of the zero-sequence current suppression
\omega_{c} is the cut-off frequency, while
is the resonant frequency. In order to implement zero-sequence current suppression,
\omega_{0} is selected as
3\omega, and
\omega_{c} can be selected as
2{-}5\ \hbox{rad/s}
Similarly, the PI controllers for
i_{d} and
i_{q} are used to achieve
d-axis and
q-axis voltage references. The outer loop controller is designed
to implement the power regulation for the generation system, and the output is set as the
q-axis current reference value. Meanwhile, the rotor flux
orientation control strategy is adopted for the open-winding PMSG. The ZVR PWM is employed to modulate the voltage
reference, which will be introduced in
Section IV. Thus, zero-sequence current suppression is implemented by both the
closed-loop regulator of the zero-sequence current and ZVR PWM. By obtaining the ZSV reference, the proposed ZVR PWM
technique could generate a required ZSV by redistributing the zero vector dwell time of two converters. The volt-second
equivalent principle is still adopted in
\alpha\beta 0 component modulation.
PWM Technique Based On ZVR
The conventional SVPWM
[22] is usually employed to modulate the
\alpha\beta voltage reference. In general, the dwell times for
two zero vectors (000) and (111)
are equally divided. As for the open-winding PMSG system, the zero-sequence reference voltage will be modulated to
suppress the zero-sequence current. Thus, the zero vector dwell time will be redistributed in two VSCs to satisfy the
requirement of the ZSV reference. The principle of the zero vector dwell time redistribution is the volt-second
equivalent principle, which is similar to the principle proposed in
[14] and
[15]. The volt-second equivalent principle is the foundation for almost all
PWM techniques. Different from the analysis on zero vector placement in induction motors in
[14] and
[15], the redistribution concept in this paper is used to counteract the third
back EMF in the open-winding PMSG and prepares for a further discussion on the ZSV modulation range.
The vector diagram of the
\alpha\beta plane on the combination of dual converters is shown
Fig. 5, in which VSC1 modulates vectors
V_{0}{-}V_{7} and VSC2 modulates vectors
. For the decoupled PWM strategy, the voltage reference on
\alpha\beta plane
u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}
could be divided into two voltage vectors with equal and opposite directions as
u_{\alpha\beta-1} and
u_{\alpha\beta-2}. Thus, the modulation voltage vectors
u_{\alpha\beta 1} and
u_{\alpha\beta-2} for both converters can be expressed as
u_{{\rm ref}\_\alpha\beta}\!=\!u_{\alpha\beta\_1}\!-u_{\alpha\beta\_2}\!=(u_{\alpha\_1}
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u_{{\rm ref}\_\alpha\beta}\!=\!u_{\alpha\beta\_1}\!-u_{\alpha\beta\_2}\!=(u_{\alpha\_1}
u_{{\rm ref}\_\alpha\beta} in region I as example,
u_{\alpha\beta-1} is in section I, while
u_{\alpha\beta-2} is in Section IV, as shown in
Fig. 5. Thus, the dwell time for each vector can be calculated as
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t_{2}, and
t_{7} represent the dwell times of vectors
V_{2}(110), and
V_{7}(111), respectively, while
t_{5}^{\prime}, and
t_{7}^{\prime} represent the dwell times of vectors
V_{5}^{\prime}(001), and
V_{7}^{\prime}(111), respectively;
T_{s} is the switching period.
u_{\alpha\beta-1} and
are equal in amplitude and opposite in direction, the effects of
V_{2} on
u_{\alpha\beta-1} and
V_{5}^{\prime} on
are equivalent due to the vector symmetry. Therefore, it comes to that
t_{2}=t_{5}^{\prime}. Moreover, the same conclusion that
t_{1} is equal to
can be drawn with the same reason. Defining the modulation index
m=\vert u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}\vert/((2\sqrt{3}/3)U_{\rm dc}
), the dwell times of the active voltage vector can be deduced as
\!-\!\theta)\over 2\sin(60^{\circ})}T_{s},\ t_{2}\!=t_{5}^{\prime}\!=\!{\sqrt{3}m\sin(\theta)\over 2\sin(60^{\circ})}
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\!-\!\theta)\over 2\sin(60^{\circ})}T_{s},\ t_{2}\!=t_{5}^{\prime}\!=\!{\sqrt{3}m\sin(\theta)\over 2\sin(60^{\circ})}
\theta is the angle between
u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta} and
\alpha-axis shown in
Fig. 5.
In order to modulate the zero-axis voltage reference
u_{{\rm ref}-0}
, the zero vector dwell time should be redistributed. It should be noted that the active
vector also can cause the ZSV. Moreover, the dwell time for the active vector has been determined by
(13). According to the volt-second equivalent principle, the zero
vector dwell time needs to be obtained to modulate
u_{{\rm ref}-0}
. As a result, the ZSV modulated by VSC1 and VSC2 can be expressed as
(14.a) and (14.b). Hence, the relationship for the dwell times
t_{7} and
t_{7}^{\prime} can be inferred as
\eqalignno{u_{0\_1}T_{s}\!=&\,{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{1}+{2U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{2}
+U_{\rm dc}t_{7}&\hbox{(14.a)}\cr u_{0\_2}T_{s}\!=&\,{2U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{4}^{\prime}+{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{5}
^{\prime}+U_{\rm dc}t_{7}^{\prime}&\hbox{(14.b)}\cr u_{{\rm ref}\_0}T_{s}\!=&\,(u_{0\_1}\!-\!u_{0\_2})T_{s}
\!=\!{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{2}\!-\!{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{1}\!+\!U_{\rm dc}\left(t_{7}\!-\!t_{7}^{\prime}
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\eqalignno{u_{0\_1}T_{s}\!=&\,{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{1}+{2U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{2}
+U_{\rm dc}t_{7}&\hbox{(14.a)}\cr u_{0\_2}T_{s}\!=&\,{2U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{4}^{\prime}+{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{5}
^{\prime}+U_{\rm dc}t_{7}^{\prime}&\hbox{(14.b)}\cr u_{{\rm ref}\_0}T_{s}\!=&\,(u_{0\_1}\!-\!u_{0\_2})T_{s}
\!=\!{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{2}\!-\!{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{1}\!+\!U_{\rm dc}\left(t_{7}\!-\!t_{7}^{\prime}
According to
(14.c), the deviation of zero vector (111) dwell time for both
VSCs should be kept as
\triangle T to obtain a desired ZSV. It can be expressed as
\Delta T=t_{7}-t_{7}^{\prime}={u_{{\rm ref}\_0}\over U_{\rm dc}}T_{s}-{1\over 3}t_{2}
+{1\over 3}t_{1}\eqno{\hbox{(15)}}
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\Delta T=t_{7}-t_{7}^{\prime}={u_{{\rm ref}\_0}\over U_{\rm dc}}T_{s}-{1\over 3}t_{2}
+{1\over 3}t_{1}\eqno{\hbox{(15)}}where
\Delta T is defined as the ZVR time, which means the dwell time
difference of voltage vector 111 between two converters.
Generally, in order to keep two VSCs operating on the symmetrical work state, the dwell times for zero vectors
t_{0}^{\prime}, and
t_{7}^{\prime} can be redistributed and expressed as
\eqalignno{t_{7}=&\,t_{0}^{\prime}={\Delta T\over 2}+{1\over 2}(T_{s}-t_{1}-t_{2}
)\cr t_{0}=&\,t_{7}^{\prime}=-{\Delta T\over 2}+{1\over 2}(T_{s}-t_{1}-t_{2}).&\hbox{(16)}}
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\eqalignno{t_{7}=&\,t_{0}^{\prime}={\Delta T\over 2}+{1\over 2}(T_{s}-t_{1}-t_{2}
)\cr t_{0}=&\,t_{7}^{\prime}=-{\Delta T\over 2}+{1\over 2}(T_{s}-t_{1}-t_{2}).&\hbox{(16)}}
Fig. 6(a) and (b) shows the zero voltage vector redistribution schemes
within a switching period based on
–(16). The ZVR time
\triangle T is distributed equally and arranged in
V_{0} and
. The dwell times of each active vector could be determined based on the voltage reference
u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta 0}
. Thus, the zero vector dwell times of two converters can be represented as
t_{0}+t_{7} and
t_{0}^{\prime}+t_{7}^{\prime}, which is equal to
. Moreover, the active time period can be kept unchanged within a switching period. In
order to obtain the ZSV modulation process within an interval,
Fig. 6(c) shows the ZSV modulated by both VSCs within an interval, and the
hybrid ZSV is also presented to show the modulation process of the zero-sequence component.
Since the aforementioned analysis is based on the example that
u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}
is located in region I, the dwell times could be calculated with the same method as
u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}
in regions II–VI. The dwell time calculation of active vectors and
\triangle T for
V_{7} is given in
(17) and
Table II. In
Table II,
represents the dwell times for active vectors which modulate the CMV as
U_{\rm dc}/3. On the other hand,
represents the dwell times for active vectors modulating the CMV as
2U_{\rm dc}/3. The dwell time calculation expression is named by
Y, or
Z. Therefore, it can be seen that the dwell time could be
obtained by the look-up table as shown in
Table II.
Fig. 7 shows the implementation method of the PWM scheme based on zero
voltage vector redistribution
\cases{X=m\sin\theta T_{s}\cr Y={\sqrt{3}m\cos\theta+m\sin\theta\over 2}T_{s}\cr Z={-\sqrt{3}
m\cos\theta+m\sin\theta\over 2}T_{s}.}\eqno{\hbox{(17)}}
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\cases{X=m\sin\theta T_{s}\cr Y={\sqrt{3}m\cos\theta+m\sin\theta\over 2}T_{s}\cr Z={-\sqrt{3}
m\cos\theta+m\sin\theta\over 2}T_{s}.}\eqno{\hbox{(17)}}
Thus, as discussed previously, since the zero-sequence circuit exists in the open-winding system supplied by the
single dc bus, it is necessary to control the ZSV as desired. Furthermore, the real-time CMV generated by both VSCs
could be calculated according to the switching state as
(S_{a1}+S_{b1}+S_{c1}-S_{a2}-S_{b2}-S_{c2})U_{\rm dc}
/3. It can be also regarded as the real-time ZSV component caused by the PWM technique,
which means that all active vectors and zero vectors make contribution to the zero-sequence component. Therefore, in
order to suppress the zero-sequence current, the zero vector dwell time should be redistributed to modulate the ZSV
Available Modulation Range Analysis
For the ZVR PWM technique, the dwell times for active vectors and zero vectors are determined according to
u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta 0}
. Therefore, when the switching period and voltage reference
u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}
are fixed, the available modulation range for the ZSV reference is limited. The
zero-sequence current could not be completely suppressed if the ZSV reference is beyond the available modulation range.
According to
(14), the available modulation range of ZSV can be deduced as
\eqalignno{&(u_{{\rm ref}\_0})_{\max}\vert\left(t_{7}^{\prime}=0,t_{7}=T_{s}-t_{1}-t_{2}
\right)\cr&\quad={1\over T_{s}}\left[{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{2}-{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{1}+U_{\rm dc}(T_{s}-t_{1}-t_{2}
)\right]\cr&\quad=U_{\rm dc}\left[1-{2\sqrt{3}\over 3}m\cos\theta\right]&\hbox{(18)}\cr&(u_{{\rm ref}\_0}
)_{\min}\vert\left(t_{7}=0,t_{7}^{\prime}=T_{s}-t_{4}^{\prime}-t_{5}^{\prime}\right)\cr&\quad={1\over T_{s}}
\left[{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{2}-{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{1}-U_{\rm dc}\left(T_{s}-t_{4}^{\prime}-t_{5}^{\prime}
\right)\right]\cr&\quad=U_{\rm dc}\left[-1+{2\sqrt{3}\over 3}m\sin(30^{\circ}+\theta)\right].&\hbox{(19)}}
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\eqalignno{&(u_{{\rm ref}\_0})_{\max}\vert\left(t_{7}^{\prime}=0,t_{7}=T_{s}-t_{1}-t_{2}
\right)\cr&\quad={1\over T_{s}}\left[{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{2}-{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{1}+U_{\rm dc}(T_{s}-t_{1}-t_{2}
)\right]\cr&\quad=U_{\rm dc}\left[1-{2\sqrt{3}\over 3}m\cos\theta\right]&\hbox{(18)}\cr&(u_{{\rm ref}\_0}
)_{\min}\vert\left(t_{7}=0,t_{7}^{\prime}=T_{s}-t_{4}^{\prime}-t_{5}^{\prime}\right)\cr&\quad={1\over T_{s}}
\left[{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{2}-{U_{\rm dc}\over 3}t_{1}-U_{\rm dc}\left(T_{s}-t_{4}^{\prime}-t_{5}^{\prime}
\right)\right]\cr&\quad=U_{\rm dc}\left[-1+{2\sqrt{3}\over 3}m\sin(30^{\circ}+\theta)\right].&\hbox{(19)}}
(18) and (19), it can be found that the ZSV modulation range by
VSCs is determined by the
m value. By analyzing all six different regions, the
relationship between ZSV and
\theta is shown in
Fig. 8, in which the upper and lower boundaries with three different
modulation indexes as
m=0.6, and
m=0.866 are given. When
\theta=60^{\circ}, 180
^{\circ}, and 300
, the upper and lower boundaries can obtain the maximum and minimum values, respectively,
in all modulation index ranges. In the opposite, when
\theta=0^{\circ}, 120
^{\circ}, and 240
, the upper and lower boundaries can obtain the minimum and maximum values, respectively.
It can be seen that the modulation region can cover a larger range if
m decreases. In the case
m=0.866, the maximum value of the upper boundary and the minimum
value of the lower boundary are both zero.
The case study of overmodulation for ZSV is shown in
Fig. 9, in which
m=0.6. As
u_{{\rm ref}-0}
is beyond the upper or lower boundary, the achievable ZSV cannot be modulated as
expected. In this case, the available ZSV can just go along with the boundary until it returns back to the available
modulation region as the red line trace.
Thus, the modulation index
m determines the available maximum amplitude of
u_{{\rm ref}-0}
. The critical condition differentiating the available and overmodulation is that the ZSV
reference trace is just intersected with the upper and lower boundaries. When the
d-axis and zero-axis current is controlled as zero and the
resistance is neglected, it can be inferred from
(5) that the
dq0-axis voltage on steady-state condition can be approximately
expressed as
\cases{u_{d}\approx\omega L_{q}i_{q}\cr u_{q}\approx\omega\psi_{r}\cr u_{0}\approx-E_{3}
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\cases{u_{d}\approx\omega L_{q}i_{q}\cr u_{q}\approx\omega\psi_{r}\cr u_{0}\approx-E_{3}
E_{3}=3\omega{\mit\Psi}_{3r} is the amplitude of ZSV
u_{{\rm ref}-0}.
When the ZSV reference is just intersected with the lower boundary, the relationship between the modulation index
m and the maximum
u_{{\rm ref}-0} amplitude based on
(18) and (19) can be described as
\eqalignno{&U_{\rm dc}\left[-1+{2\sqrt{3}\over 3}m\sin(30^{\circ}+\theta_{0}
)\right]=-E_{3\max}\sin(3\theta_{0})\cr&{d\over dt}\left\{U_{\rm dc}\left[-1+{2\sqrt{3}\over 3}m\sin(30^{\circ}
+\theta)\right]\right\}\vert_{\theta=\theta_{0}}\cr&\quad={d\over dt}\left\{-E_{3\max}\sin(3\theta_{0})\right\}
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\eqalignno{&U_{\rm dc}\left[-1+{2\sqrt{3}\over 3}m\sin(30^{\circ}+\theta_{0}
)\right]=-E_{3\max}\sin(3\theta_{0})\cr&{d\over dt}\left\{U_{\rm dc}\left[-1+{2\sqrt{3}\over 3}m\sin(30^{\circ}
+\theta)\right]\right\}\vert_{\theta=\theta_{0}}\cr&\quad={d\over dt}\left\{-E_{3\max}\sin(3\theta_{0})\right\}
is the horizontal ordinate value of the intersection point.
The maximum
u_{{\rm ref}-0} amplitude can be obtained when
m is constant. Meanwhile, the
u_{{\rm ref}-0} amplitude is proportional to
m in the open-winding PMSG system. Define
k as the ratio between the amplitude of
u_{{\rm ref}-0} and
u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}; thus, it can be expressed as
k={E_{3}\over\vert u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}\vert}={\sqrt{3}\over 2}{{E_{3}\over U_{\rm dc}}
\over{\vert u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}\vert\over{2\sqrt{3}\over 3}U_{\rm dc}}}={\sqrt{3}\over 2}{{E_{3}\over U_{\rm dc}}
\over m}.\eqno{\hbox{(22)}}
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k={E_{3}\over\vert u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}\vert}={\sqrt{3}\over 2}{{E_{3}\over U_{\rm dc}}
\over{\vert u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}\vert\over{2\sqrt{3}\over 3}U_{\rm dc}}}={\sqrt{3}\over 2}{{E_{3}\over U_{\rm dc}}
\over m}.\eqno{\hbox{(22)}}
According to
k can also be inferred as
k={E_{3}\over\vert u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}\vert}\approx{3\psi_{3r}\over\sqrt{(\psi_{r})^{2}
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k={E_{3}\over\vert u_{{\rm ref}-\alpha\beta}\vert}\approx{3\psi_{3r}\over\sqrt{(\psi_{r})^{2}
{E_{3}\over U_{\rm dc}}={2\over\sqrt{3}}mk\approx{2\over\sqrt{3}}{3m\psi_{3r}\over\psi_{r}}
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{E_{3}\over U_{\rm dc}}={2\over\sqrt{3}}mk\approx{2\over\sqrt{3}}{3m\psi_{3r}\over\psi_{r}}
(23), it can be found that, if
L_{q}i_{q} is negligible, the
u_{{\rm ref}-0} amplitude is proportional to
m and
The relationship between
m and
u_{{\rm ref}-0} is shown in
Fig. 9. It can be seen that the available maximum ZSV modulation range
reduces as
m increases according to
(20). When
m=0.866, the available
u_{{\rm ref}-0}
amplitude is zero, which means that the ZSV reference cannot be modulated.
k is decided by the PMSG parameters. In
(23), it can be seen that the increase of
m will raise the ZSV reference. The trace of
u_{{\rm ref}-0}
reference amplitude will cross over with the available maximum
u_{{\rm ref}-0}
amplitude trace, in which the crossover point means the maximum modulation index on the
k. In
Fig. 10, it can be seen that, in the case
k=0.2, 0.1, and 0.05, the corresponding maximum modulation
indexes are 0.775, 0.828, and 0.847. It can be concluded that, in order to implement the zero-sequence current
suppression, the richer third harmonic component of the rotor flux linkage will cause the lower modulation range. The
overmodulation is an inevitable phenomenon since the dc voltage value determines the hexagonal modulation range in
\alpha\beta plane and the zero-sequence modulation boundary.
Therefore, a larger dc bus voltage could be used to enlarge the modulation range. If the open-winding PMSG operates on
the field-weakened region, the modulation index will increase as the motor speed becomes fast. In this case, a higher
modulation index is needed to suppress the zero-sequence current which may extend the available modulation range.
Experimental Validation
The experimental system based on the 1-kW open-winding PMSG is developed in the laboratory. In the experimental
system, the open-winding PMSG is driven by a 1.5-kW squirrel cage induction machine, and a gearbox with a ratio of
17.08 is used as a mechanical interface. A general converter is used to drive the induction machine. The parameters of
an open-winding PMSG are shown in
Table III. An adjustable dc power supply is used to establish the dc
bus voltage. Both VSCs are built with Semikron SKM75GB124DE IGBTs and connected to the dc source at points g1 and g2.
The VSC controller is implemented based on a TMS320F2812, and the driver for IGBT is Semikron SKHI61. The sampling
frequency is set as 10 kHz, and the switching frequency of the IGBTs is 5 kHz. The experimental waveform acquisition is
obtained by a Yokogawa DL750 scope recorder. In order to focus on the investigation of the zero-sequence current
suppression of the open-winding PMSG, a dc power supply is used to replace the grid-side converter. A 20-
\Omega resistance is paralleled with the dc source to work as
the load to consume the energy generated by the open-winding PMSG. The block diagram of the experimental system is
shown in
Fig. 11.
For the open-winding PMSG, the back EMF waveform with no load and rated speed is shown in
Fig. 12. With an FFT analysis, the total harmonic content is 7.38%, while
the third harmonic takes up 7.3%. It indicates that the third harmonic content is the main component of back EMF. The
influence on zero-sequence current caused by the 9th and 15th components could be neglected.
Fig. 13 shows the waveform comparison with two different control methods.
It gives the dynamic response waveforms from method 1 to method 2 at full-rated load as 1-kW active power output.
Method 1 is the conventional SVPWM technique shown as stage 1, while method 2 is the proposed method with zero-sequence
current elimination controller and ZVR PWM technique shown as stage 2. The experiment is implemented at the rated rotor
speed as 40 r/min, while the electrical frequency is rated as 5.33 Hz. The modulation index is 0.6, which is kept in
the linear modulation range for ZSV modulation.
Fig. 13(a), it can be seen that three-phase current takes a rich content
of triple harmonic content as controlled with method 1. The amplitude of each phase reaches 13 A, while the
zero-sequence's amplitude is 7 A, and the electrical torque fluctuates between 258 and 219
, which means a big vibration for motor working. With the FFT analysis on a phase current
in stage 1 shown in
Fig. 13(b), it could be found that the third harmonic content is 77.55%
compared with the fundamental component. Moreover, in this case, the 9th and 15th harmonics also take content as 5.89%
and 1.62%, which could not be neglected. As controlled with method 2, it can be seen that the three-phase current takes
a lower triple harmonic content compared with that in method 1. The torque trace presented in
Fig. 12 is obtained based on
(6). The electrical torque keeps at the value 240
\pm 4.3
. The performance is much better than the torque fluctuation from method 1. The amplitude
of each phase reaches 7 A, while the zero-sequence current fluctuates with the amplitude as 0.2 A. With the FFT
analysis shown in
Fig. 13(c), it comes to that the third harmonic content is only 4.25%
compared with the fundamental component. Moreover, in this case, the 9th and 15th harmonics take content as 1.93% and
0.46%, which are negligible. The response time takes about 500 ms.
Fig. 13(d) shows the gating pulses generated by DSP with method 1.
PWMa1–PWMc1 represent the three-phase gating pulses for VSC1, while PWMa2–PWMc2 represent the three-phase
gating pulses for VSC2. It also gives the ZSV generated by VSC1 and VSC2. It could be found that the dwell times for
(000) and (111) states are nearly the same, and the tiny error is caused by the dead time as 2.3
\mu\hbox{s}. As a comparison,
Fig. 13(e) shows the gating pulses generated by DSP with method 2. The
dwell times for (000) and (111) states are redistributed according to the ZSV reference. It can be seen from
Fig. 13(b) that, due to neglecting the dead-time effect of the switch
[23], the triple harmonic content is not completely suppressed based on the
proposed control scheme.
Fig. 14(a) shows the waveforms of the pole voltages and phase voltage with
the proposed ZVR PWM technique within an electrical period.
u_{a1N} and
, respectively, represent the pole voltage to negative point in the
a-phase, and
u_{a1a2} is the phase voltage with the amplitude as
U_{\rm dc}, 0,
-U_{\rm dc}
. The partially enlarged waveforms of period I and period II are presented in
Fig. 14(b) and (c) to give a clear state depiction in the positive and
negative half cycles.
Fig. 15 shows the relationship of the current harmonic component and power
output at rated rotor speed with methods 1 and 2, respectively. It can be found that, with method 1, the THD content
keeps at a high level from 240% to 77% with the power output from 200 W to 1 kW. Obviously, the result applied with
method 2 takes a much lower THD content as about 4% for all of the power range. Thus, it comes to a conclusion that
method 2 gives a good performance on zero-sequence current suppression. It should be noted that the harmonic range in
THD calculation is 0–500 Hz.
The starting performance of the zero-sequence current suppression is presented in
Fig. 16. It can be seen that the suppression performance keeps well during
the dynamic starting period. The dynamic response with the proposed method based on 50% step changes for the output
active power command from 1000 to 500 W was demonstrated in the experiments, with the results shown in
Fig. 17. The modulation index changes from 0.6 to 0.607. It can be seen
that current trace follows the reference value well. As the power output changes, the zero-sequence content keeps at a
low level with the fluctuation within the range of 0
\pm 0.3 A. The electrical torque also responses fast and
smoothly. The dynamic response time is controlled in 300 ms. The dynamic response with the proposed method based on
rotor speed changes from 40 to 30 r/min was also demonstrated in the experiments, with the results shown in
Fig. 18. The modulation index changes from 0.607 to 0.442. As the rotor
speed changes, the zero-sequence content keeps the fluctuation within the range of 0
\pm 0.2 A. The power output is kept as 500 W. In order to
present clear waveforms, the CMV waveform is filtered with a cut-off frequency of 500 Hz. It could be found that, with
the speed changing from 40 to 30 r/min, the amplitude of ZSV changes from 6.3 to 4.7 V. The dynamic response time is
controlled in 300 ms. It proves a good dynamic performance for regular zero-sequence current elimination and ZVR PWM
This paper has proposed a zero current suppression strategy of the open-winding PMSG system based on the ZVR PWM
technique. The overall mathematical model of the open-winding PMSG including a zero-sequence circuit has been
developed, and a zero-sequence current controller has been designed. The dwell time of the zero vector is redistributed
and calculated accurately to obtain the required ZSV reference. The available ZSV modulation range on the different
modulation indexes and third back EMF component is also analyzed quantitatively. The experimental results indicate that
the proposed zero-sequence current suppression strategy has an excellent steady and dynamic performance for the
open-winding PMSG system.