I. Introduction
The amount of electronic information at one's disposal is increasing swiftly with the growth in digital processing. Moreover, huge quantity of textual information have brought about the requirement for efficient procedures that can tailor the data in governable arrangements. One of the most popular techniques for organizing textual information is the use of clustering algorithms, which group a set of documents into coherent clusters. These algorithms create clusters, where documents within a cluster are as similar as possible and documents in one cluster are dissimilar from documents in other clusters. In many applications of clustering, particularly in user interface based applications, human users interact directly with the created clusters. In such settings we must label the clusters so that users can understand what the cluster is about. Huge amount of research is happening on clustering algorithms and their applications in information retrieval and data mining. However, comparatively less amount of research has been done on labelling a cluster. Use of all Phrases in a document for the purpose of identifying most appropriate label explodes the feature space and gives rise to a crucial problem, “the curse of dimensionality”. To avoid this issue, a popular approach for cluster labeling is to employ statistical approach for feature selection. The quality of top features needs to be assured by a robust Phrase raking method.